Treasuring "Freedom of Expression" Principle

Posted: October 15, 2013 at 10:47 am

Source: 12Petals Media Group

Every man who says frankly and fully what he thinks is so far doing a public service. We should be grateful to him for attacking most unsparingly our most cherished opinions. John Stuart Mill [1] - On Liberty

Cherishing and Realizing Culture of Human Rights, Individual Liberty, Free Expression, and Free Media

Freedom of Expression [2] is, undoubtedly, the touchstone of all other rights and freedoms, and is the foundation of modern democracy [3]. The core and dominant tenet of Freedom of Expression is the acceptance and acknowledgement of a self-assertive Individual, along with her/his individualized pursuit (function of ones action and not fate-based) for happiness and the knowledge needed to realize it.

In brief, this principle is an essential formula for the full and hearty development of an individual. Being able to freely self-express is a fundamental right, and it is central to humanity.

This cardinal principle encompasses not only freedom of self-expression, but also Freedom of Thought , Speech, Press, Assembly and Association, Privacy, Media, and so forth. Indeed, the embedded intellectual hallmark of this freedom that is highly essential to progress and modernity in society honors pluralism of ideas [4], factual and intelligent inquiry, rationalism [5], critical thinking and reasoning [6], empiricism [7], and skepticism [8]

Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights(UDHR) reads, Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression. Additionally, this Article confirms that freedom of opinion and expression includes the freedom to hold any type of ideas without interference, to seek, receive, and impart information and ideas free from any type of constraints and barriers. [9] Furthermore, the principle of Freedom of Expression is well-linked to the individual liberty concept - freedom is vital to individual growth. Generally speaking, in order to explain liberties we are to, in the first place, push back the boundaries to the maximum possible extent; the same is applicable to the freedom of expression.

Equally important, the principle of Freedom of Expression embraces the freedom to impart and broadcast ideas through any media, which means every individual shall have anequal opportunity of access to the media, particularly the mass communications media. This is why monopoly of media whether by governments or non-governmental organizations, and also censorship [10] are flagrant violations of the freedom of expression principle. On the other hand, the instances of the freedom of expression need to be understood broadly; and that means inclusion of various issues ranging from freedom of media to freedom of fashion and dress choice and so on.

Article 19 (UDHR) affirms that enjoying the freedom of expression shall not be subject to boundaries. Nevertheless, the exercise of this right carries with duties and responsibilities because undisciplined freedom is an abuse of liberty. [11] To protect rights of others and to safeguard public, Article 19 (3) of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) [12] sets legitimate limits for the freedom, which includes:

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Treasuring "Freedom of Expression" Principle

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