'Threat to freedom of speech' at Auckland Uni causes concern

Posted: July 16, 2012 at 8:11 am

LifeChoice Victoria will be awaiting the outcome of Wednesday's Special General Meeting (SGM) at Auckland University with interest. ProLife Auckland, LifeChoice Victoria's sister club, has been threatened with disaffiliation after an unsubstantiated anonymous complaint was made to the Auckland University Student's Association (AUSA) about the pamphlets handed out on the Auckland Campus as part of the national "Right to Know" campaign.

At Wednesday's SGM University of Auckland Students will vote on whether ProLife Auckland can remain an affiliated club of AUSA.

"Freedom of speech is a vitally important right in a society that truly claims to be open, free and democratic," says LifeChoice Victoria President, Mary-Anne Evers. "University is the perfect place for discussion of controversial issues. Student Associations should encourage free and frank discussions and not shy away from these topics."

"We don't want AUSA's actions to send a message to other University Student Associations that they can chose which clubs they do or don't want on campus based on the personal views of the Executive members, or a particular group on campus."

"At Victoria University of Wellington, we are very happy with the level of respect we get. VUWSA has always been 100% supportive of the right of freedom of speech and consequently of us as a club. They have supported us just like they do any other club, and most students are open to respectful and intelligent debate."

"This is how things should happen at universities around the country. Voltaire's saying "I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to death your right to say it" should especially ring true on campus."

LifeChoice Victoria expresses its support for ProLife Auckland, and encourages all University of Auckland students to attend the SGM and support freedom of speech, regardless of their opinion on the topics under discussion.

See original here:
'Threat to freedom of speech' at Auckland Uni causes concern

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