The Freedom to Fear

Posted: April 27, 2012 at 11:12 am

by DONALD KAUL The Gilmer Mirror

The Freedom to Fear

The only change the Supreme Court's majority believes in is change that takes us back to the 18th century.

ByDonald Kaul

Serious commentators are telling us not to assume that the Supreme Court is going to find "Obamacare" unconstitutional just because the conservative justices gave the government lawyer a hard time when the case came before the Court last month.

Somehow that doesn't make me sleep better at night. This is the same Court that gave us theCitizens Uniteddecision, which opened the sluice gates of special-interest money that flooded a political system that was already awash in it. The ruling was the Court's worst decision since Dred Scott in 1857, which ruled that no Americans of African descent, whether enslaved or free, were U.S. citizens.

You think that the Court is going to find mandatory health insurance constitutional? Nah.

In the first place, you had four votes against the plan right out of the gate. Justices John Roberts, Antonin Scalia, Clarence Thomas, and Samuel Alito are old-fasioned conservatives. The only change they believe in is change that takes us back to the 18th century.

In the second place, the high court's lone swing judge, Justice Anthony Kennedy, was one of the more hostile questioners. "You are changing the relationship of the individual to the government," he told the government's lawyer.

See more here:
The Freedom to Fear

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