My Take: West Michigan needs the freedom to vote act and leaders who will protect our democracy –

Posted: October 24, 2021 at 12:08 pm

Rachel Hood| 76th House District

Whatever our skin color, religion or ZIP code, Michiganders value our freedom and right to vote. Votes are our voices, shaping the key decisions of our lives like protecting public health in a pandemic or securing good jobs, clean air and clean water for our communities. Today, our right to vote is at risk, and like generations before us, we have to fight today to protect the future of our democracy.

National networks of GOP-aligned extremists are running a state-by-state strategy to send our voting rights back to 1965. These same networks have threatened lawmakers in Michigan, and in D.C. They've spread lies about COVID-19 and the 2020 election. A single bill for a federal fix is available in D.C. today, and is the best way to protect our democracy. We must move with fierce determination to pass the Freedom to Vote Act in Congress, now.

This federal legislation would set national standards for us to cast our ballots safely and equally, ensuring that trusted local election officials count every vote, and preventing GOP politicians from sabotaging our elections. The Freedom to Vote Act is enormously popular it has the support of seven out of 10 Americans. Provisions in the law that would increase penalties for intimidating voters, and protect local election officials from harassment, are even more popular and essential in these times.

As a state legislator, I am working daily to stop a 39-bill, anti-voting rights package from Michigans GOP-led Senate from hitting Gov. Whitmers desk. As a citizen, I will decline to sign the falsely named Secure MI Vote ballot initiative that seeks to take away voter freedom. But ultimately, we need elected leaders in our nations capital to use the power that the majority of Americans have given them to pass the Freedom to Vote Act. The Senate must act now. President Biden and Vice President Harris must use every lever of power at their disposal to get it done.

This summer, I traveled to Washington, D.C., to stand alongside state lawmakers from Texas, Georgia, Florida, and beyond, pushing back against these state and national attacks on democracy. We need action in Congress, and vigilance in the states, because these efforts are all connected by powerful special interests and extremists seeking to overturn the legitimate results of the last election, and more shockingly, to undermine our ability to participate in the next one.

If we do not secure the Freedom to Vote Act, stop those pushing anti-voter legislation, and decline to sign the Secure MI Vote ballot initiative, we will see longer lines at polling locations, fewer options for eligible voters to cast their ballots, volunteers will be banned from working at our polls, and valid votes wont be counted. The issues that matter to West Michigan recovery from the pandemic, economic growth, water we can drink, and good schools are too important to risk. Its time to stand up for our communities and take action to protect the right to vote for all Michiganders.

Join me in declining to sign the Secure MI Vote ballot initiative. Get informed and contact your state and federal representatives and senators. Together, we can join our ancestors and leave a legacy of voting rights and democratic freedom to future generations.

State Rep. Rachel Hood, Grand Rapids, is serving her second term representing the 76th House District.

Continued here:

My Take: West Michigan needs the freedom to vote act and leaders who will protect our democracy -

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