More COVID freedom in NSW this weekend –

Posted: October 24, 2020 at 6:03 am

More people will be coming together for worship, in hospitality venues and outside at gatherings in NSW this weekend following an easing of coronavirus restrictions.

However, with severe thunderstorms and rainfall forecast throughout much of the state, the larger outdoor gatherings may hold off for another week.

As NSW recorded no new locally-acquired cases of COVID-19 in the 24 hours to 8pm on Thursday, on Friday the state government eased some restrictions.

Thirty people are now allowed to gather outdoors, group bookings at hospitality venues have been extended from 10 to 30 people, and up to 300 are allowed at places of worship.

Political protesters can also gather en masse with up to 500 people allowed to link-up outdoors as long as it remains COVID-19 safe.

NSW Health in a statement on Friday again pleaded for the residents to keep coming forward for testing if they experience even mild respiratory symptoms.

COVID-19 is still likely circulating in the community and we must all be vigilant, NSW Health said.

It comes after Premier Gladys Berejiklian urged more people to wear masks on public transport.

Originally posted here:

More COVID freedom in NSW this weekend -

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