Incapital Supports The Freedom Climb

Posted: March 28, 2012 at 11:32 pm

BOCA RATON, Fla.and CHICAGO, March 28, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- Incapital is a proud sponsor of The Freedom Climb, a mission by women from across the world to climb Tanzania's Mount Kilimanjaro to raise money and help break the cycles of poverty, shame, slavery, and despair for oppressed women and children around the world.

The climbers, including seven women from South Florida, began their ascent of Africa's tallest mountain on January 11, 2012, the National Human Trafficking Awareness Day in the U.S. Forty three of the forty eight women participating in the 2012 Freedom Climb successfully reached the summit.

"Incapital's generosity and support were instrumental in enabling The Freedom Climb to support women and children in 24 countries," said Lori Degler, southeast regional director of partner relations for Operation Mobilization USA, the founding organization for the Freedom Climb. "Some of the projects in which The Freedom Climb has been involved include the building of a school in Zambia, assisting with trauma counseling of children in Cambodia, providing skills development for women and children in India, and rescuing oppressed women in Austria."

"Incapital is proud to support The Freedom Climb and leaders like Lori Degler who are making a difference in the lives of women and children all around the world," said Incapital CEO John Radtke.

The Freedom Climb was launched by Operation Mobilization, a faith-based organization that offers aid to people in developing countries. Projects supported by The Freedom Climb include micro-loans, education, skills training, and protection from exploitation.

About Incapital

Incapital LLC is a securities and investment banking firm with offices in Chicago and Boca Raton, Florida. Incapital underwrites and distributes fixed income securities and structured notes through more than 700 broker-dealers, institutions, advisors and wealth managers. With a diverse range of new issue and secondary market offerings, Incapital specializes in U.S. Agency securities, corporate notes, CDs, mortgage-backed securities, municipal bonds, and market-linked notes.

More information about Incapital is available at

Incapital LLC, Member FINRA/SIPC, 200 South Wacker Drive, Ste. 3700, Chicago, IL 60606

Incapital Supports The Freedom Climb

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