Freedom’s Defense Fund Launches First Independent Expenditure Campaign Taking on Barack Obama

Posted: February 20, 2012 at 6:24 pm


Freedom’s Defense Fund, an independent political organization dedicated to principles of limited government, today announced they released their latest ad targeting Barack Obama in advance of the 2012 general election. The ad, entitled “Keep the Change”, is the first in a series of ads expected to run during the 2012 election. This is the first national independent expenditure targeting Barack Obama for the 2012 general election.

“We want to thank our 25,000 donors across the country for making this ad possible,” said Michael Centanni, chairman of Freedom’s Defense Fund. “Our goal all along has been to hold Barack Obama accountable to the American people, and we will continue to do so.”

In 2008, Freedom’s Defense Fund released a series of ads entitled “You Should Know Who Barack Obama’s Friends Are.” The ads highlighted the president’s troubling past political relationships with prominent leaders such as Jeremiah Wright and Bill Ayers. The ads were covered in publications nationwide, including the New York Times.

“In 2008, we made the case Barack Obama’s relationships reflected poor judgment and a lack of leadership,” added Centanni. “Now, we have crony capitalism and eroding freedom. We were right the first time, and we don’t want to give the president four more years to prove us right again.”

To view the ad, visit

About Freedom’s Defense Fund

Freedom’s Defense Fund is a political action committee dedicated to the protection of liberty from big government advocates of either party. Freedom’s Defense Fund stands with conservative, pro-freedom candidates against the radical left and their elitist allies in the mainstream media.

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Freedom’s Defense Fund Launches First Independent Expenditure Campaign Taking on Barack Obama

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