Freedom N.Y., Inc.

Posted: January 5, 2016 at 12:41 am

The purpose of the Freedom N.Y. Newsletter is to communicate to the world the FACTS about the injustices that were handed to the company. Freedom N.Y., Inc. a Bronx N.Y. based Defense Prime Meals Ready To Eat (MRE) Contractor that thrived in the 1980s. For over the past two decades, Freedom has fought to unbury itself from the lies and deceptions used illegally to halt its production lines of MREs (the sort of meals now being fed to our troops in Iraq). Freedom's contract was breached 26 times and, as a result of these wrongful breaches of contract, lost its MRE Industrial Preparedness Prime contractor position within the Department of Defense. Additionally, Freedom has lost over 442 jobs as well as a massive 400,000 sq ft U.S.D.A. approved plant in the South Bronx of N.Y.

Freedom has been involved in a court battle for some time to set the record straight about what happened. This website will reveal the factual events that took place during the contract period. And will include recent court findings, ruling and decisions that confirmed what Freedom said happened over 17 years ago.

Go here to see the original:
Freedom N.Y., Inc.

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