Freedom Festival memories

Posted: July 4, 2013 at 3:52 am

Memories of America's Freedom Festival at Provo and Stadium of Fire run deep in our community -- ranging from the energy of the performances to the emotions of the patriotic messages. Here are a few great memories from The Ticket's Facebook fans:

"We were at the first Stadium of Fire where they tried to light a record number of firecrackers. You could feel the wall of heat everywhere in the stadium and they had to turn the fire hoses on the people in the first few rows to cool them down."

-- Liz Ramsey Petersen

"One year, my parents and siblings were invited to sing with the Hope of America kids at the Stadium of Fire. Being able to sign all those patriotic songs really got us in the right spirit for the 4th of July."

-- Larisa Elder

"One year Glenn Beck hosted the show and they had a huge oven in the middle of the stage and burned a huge flag to retire it. It was amazing!"

-- Annie Humphrey Hallam

"Sitting with my whole family listening to the girls behind us screaming for the Jonas Brothers. We were laughing and they were crying. It was great."

-- Kimie Chournos Snapp

"Being there with my dad and watching the jets fly over and him always standing up when they asked who was a veteran in the audience. I miss those days and memories."

Freedom Festival memories

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