Freedom Caucus maniac Jim Jordan forced to have town meeting when constituents show up – Daily Kos

Posted: February 20, 2017 at 7:10 pm

The question is a smart onerepealing Obamacare and killing the Medicaid expansion, turning it into a block grantwould be devastating to rural hospitals that rely on that funding. Jordan not only refuses to answer that question, he says that "defunding Planned Parenthood would free up money for them," as Weigel paraphrases.

No. Just no. Defunding Planned Parenthood means taking away their Medicaid reimbursements (that's where a big chunk of federal funding for Planned Parenthood comes from). Which means taking Medicaid away from the people who use Planned Parenthood. But basically, it's cutting Medicaid! The people who use it to go to Planned Parenthood also use it for treatment at hospitals and they're not going to have it go there, either.

Weigel pressed Jordan on this, and he "acknowledged that more stuff would have to be cut to cover the funding." More stuff wouldn't have to be cut if Medicaid funding was maintained and if all the states expanded it! That's how this stuff works! Which Jordan either completely doesn't know (which wouldn't be too much of a surprise) or is completely willing to lie about (which also wouldn't be much of a surprise).

But at least he was willing to talk to voters and lie directly to their faces. That's more than can be said of most of his counterparts.

Read the original post:

Freedom Caucus maniac Jim Jordan forced to have town meeting when constituents show up - Daily Kos

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