Council sends out freedom camping caravan – Waikato Times

Posted: March 19, 2017 at 4:18 pm


Last updated08:25, March 20 2017


Taupo's mayor is about to hit the road in his own caravan.

Freedom camping caravans are commonplace in Taupo but Taupo District Council is sending out one of its own.

Taupo District Council staff will be taking a caravan on an informative road trip around the district to let residents know how they can have their say on the future of freedom camping in the district.

Policy manager Nick Carroll said the road trip was part of two months of public consultation on a draftfreedomcampingbylaw for theTaupoDistrict.

"We've recentlyprepared a draftfreedomcampingbylaw thatrecommends movingfreedomcampingsites away from the shores of Lake Taupoand proposes 15 sites around the TaupoDistrict wherefreedomcamping could beallowed," he said.

"The road trip will stop at five sites around the district where people will be able to talk to staff about the consultation process and can then submit their viewson the draft bylaw."

The caravan will be in the following locations over the next three weeks:

Submissions on the draft bylaw can be made until April 18by

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Council sends out freedom camping caravan - Waikato Times

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