Bear Flat Dispatch: Freedom is in the eye of the beholder – Alaska Highway News

Posted: March 3, 2022 at 12:09 am

My parents both lived through wartime Europe, and they made sure to instill in us kids an appreciation for what we have here in Canada

Lately it seems that freedom is in the news a lot.

Around the world there are many nations that deny basic freedoms and rights to their citizens that we take for granted. To a certain degree, it seems that freedom is in the eye of the beholder.

For instance, many in Canada are demanding freedom from Covid-19 health mandates, and, to some of them, Justin Trudeau is viewed as a dictator. Meanwhile, the people of Ukraine have been forced to fight for freedom from the invasion of their sovereign nation by Vladimir Putin.Perhaps that puts some perspective on the definition of freedom and the infringement of freedom.

But freedom does come in many forms.

By chance, Arlene and I watched the movie The Peanut Butter Falconthe other day. It is a great movie about a young man with Downs syndrome who makes good his escape from an institution and lucks into a better life. He found his freedom, and he helped those around him to find theirs too. It puts another perspective on freedom while highlighting kindness to those around us.

I am also happy to say that I recently discovered a new personal freedom as I was cutting the cheese in our kitchen. When Arlene saw what I was doing,she said I should be using a cutting board to protect the counter top.

Really? I asked.Dont forget that in the very near future we will have to move out of the house because of BC Hydro, so why are we worried about protecting the counter topanyway?

She paused, and I could see her thinking about it. Sometimes that is not good, but in this case I took it as a good sign.

In fact, I continued, I think cutting on a counter without a cutting block is true freedom.

I could see from the look on her face how that line wasnt quite working, so I quickly compromised.

OK, let me re-phrase that. From now on, in this house, there is no more need for cutting boards.

I could see I had found a chink in her armour.

SCREW BC HYDRO, AND SCREW CUTTING BOARDS! I shouted defiantly while looking for a Canada flag to wave in support of this newfound freedom.FREEDOM!

I felt a sense of euphoria as never before. The realization that one of the fast and hard rules of the kitchen had just vanished felt like a lifetime burden being removed.

But Arlene sensibly countered.Youre not going to develop another bad habit that we will have to break once we move out of the house are you?

Hmm just like her to burst my bubble of happiness at a moment like this, I thought. But I quickly assured her not to worry.

In all seriousness, I am truly thankful for the freedoms we enjoy. My parents both lived through wartime Europe, and they made sure to instill in us kids an appreciation for what we have here in Canada. My empathy goes to the people of Ukraine and their struggle to keep their freedom.

Ken Boon lives and writes at Bear Flat.

Read more from the original source:

Bear Flat Dispatch: Freedom is in the eye of the beholder - Alaska Highway News

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