A threat to pedestrians: freedom – Minnesota Public Radio News (blog)

Posted: February 24, 2017 at 6:18 pm

When a bipartisan group of legislators proposed that the Legislature pass more restrictions this month on the use of cellphones while driving, Republican lawmaker Warren Limmer offered a reason why it shouldnt.

They like their freedom, Limmer said of people who want the freedom to endanger other people.

Freedom apparently killed Scott Spoo, 35, of Woodbury this week. He was in the crosswalk on Dayton Avenue in St. Paul on Wednesday when a driver didnt stop.

Peter H. Berge, 60, of St. Paul, has been arrested.

According to witnesses interviewed at the scene, Mr. Berge may have been using his cellular phone at the time of the crash, police spokesman Steve Linders tells the Star Tribune.

Maybe he was. Maybe he wasnt. Even if true, its hardly an anomaly that drivers are on their phones and the rest of us are at risk because of their entitlement freedom, if you will to put us at risk.

On its Facebook page today, Sweet Science Ice Cream, tries a word that just doesnt seem to make any difference to far too many drivers: please.

Drivers with cellphones arent the only ones who cherish freedom.

So do people in crosswalks.

Bob Collins has been with Minnesota Public Radio since 1992, emigrating to Minnesota from Massachusetts. He was senior editor of news in the 90s, ran MPRs political unit, created the MPR News regional website, invented the popular Select A Candidate, started the two most popular blogs in the history of MPR and every day laments that his Minnesota Fantasy Legislature project never caught on.

NewsCut is a blog featuring observations about the news. It provides a forum for an online discussion and debate about events that might not typically make the front page. NewsCut posts are not news stories but reflections , observations, and debate.

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A threat to pedestrians: freedom - Minnesota Public Radio News (blog)

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