THE PEOPLE SPEAK: Freedom of speech is under attack – Muskogee Daily Phoenix

Posted: February 9, 2017 at 5:58 am

The First Amendment is under attack. And the charge is being led by the Republicans imbecilic illegitimate President. Republican-controlled state legislatures are following his lead to shut down free speech.

A free press is constitutionally protected. It doesnt exist to please the President, especially one who thinks they should supplant the truth with every lie he utters.

But its clear that Trump detests protesters, as do his followers. Conservatives believe every idea they have should be embraced by everyone as the greatest ever. When they see people reject and revolt over those ideas, instead of seeking compromise they seek retaliation.

As for the election, they say move on. Did they move on after Obama took office in 2009? No, they formed a Tea Party and held huge rallies holding the most vile and racist signs youll ever see. It was clear race was their prime motivator. They shouted down congressional representatives at town halls that summer, all while armed to the teeth. But to them free speech in a one-way street.

An Indiana Republican state senator has introduced a bill letting police use any means necessary to get rid of protesters.

In North Dakota, where the Standing Rock Sioux protesters have been brutalized by police, a Republican state representatives bill would allow motorists to run over and kill protesters.

These are just a few examples. Freedom of speech and expression are usually the primary targets of a fascist regime. Some newspapers even join in, apparently ignorant of the fact their very existence is totally beholden to the First Amendment.

Protests are being planned against the Diamond Pipeline. Oil-soaked Republicans in OKC are eager to show their fealty and put profits over people. The courts will probably allow Diamond to seize peoples property.

Sounds like a good reason to protest.



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THE PEOPLE SPEAK: Freedom of speech is under attack - Muskogee Daily Phoenix

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