Free speech is only for conservatives – Daily Kos

Posted: July 3, 2017 at 8:00 am

Rep. Robin Vos, a sponsor of Assembly bill 299, explaining why lberals have no right to free speech.

The first amendment guarantees that the government will not restrict the speech of its citizens (with some exceptions). Republicans in the state of Wisconsin have passed legislation that restricts the speech of those who disagree with them. Assembly Bill 299 states that if a speaker comes to a University of Wisconsin campus, and their speech is disrupted, the students involved in the disruption can be expelled.

The policy must include a range of disciplinary sanctions for anyone under an institution's jurisdiction who engages in violent, abusive, indecent, profane, boisterous, obscene, unreasonably loud, or other disorderly conduct that interferes with the free expression of others. In addition, the policy must provide that in disciplinary cases involving expressive conduct, students are entitled to a disciplinary hearing under published procedures that include specified rights. Also, the second time that a student is found responsible for interfering with the expressive rights of others, the policy must require the student to be suspended for a minimum of one semester or expelled.

During the debates on on the legislation Rep. Terese Berceau, D-Madison, asked the author of the bill, Rep. Jesse Kremer, R-Kewaskum, if a geology professor, under the bill, would be able to correct a student who said the earth is only 6,000 years old. To which Rep.Kremer responded, "So, this bill stays out of the classroom. Yes, the Earth is 6,000 years old, thats a fact. But, we can discuss that outside of this room."

The Earth is not 6000 years old, it has been determined scientifically to be 4.543 billion years old. A Wisconsin Assemblyman who believes the Earth is 6000 years old has written legislation that has passed both chambers of the Wisconsin Legislature that would allow a speaker like Ken Hamm come to the University of Wisconsin and state that the Earth is only 6000 years old, and no student could stand up and say, Bullshit.

To say Rep. Kremers comments created a kerfuffle in the local news media, would be an understatement.

Later on Rep. Kremer released a statement, titledBeyond Parody: Liberal Media Shocked to Discover Christians Exist, where he states,

I appreciate the concerns of my Democrat colleagues and the liberal media for providing some well-timed lightheartedness and comedic relief with their inquiries and stories related to a vital policy issue - the age of the earth. Wisconsin has completely skipped fake news and progressed to no news. Apparently this crisis trumps the need to report on the increase in shootings, carjackings, or the drug epidemic, and our Republican led solutions.

Interestingly enough, my hypothesis regarding the need for 1st amendment and free expression protections on our college campuses was made abundantly clear by the lefts unhinged attacks following the reporting on a different point of view.

This was not fake news, this was not, no news, an elected representative in the state of Wisconsin lacks the scientific education to know that the Earth cannot possibly be 6000 years old. That is news. He went on to say,

What happens to a UW geology student who is a creationist? What happens to the student who hands out a copy of the Bill of Rights or a Bible on the campus? What happens to a meteorology major who defies global warming as settled science? Simply because one doesnt elicit their belief system means, once again, that differing beliefs and viewpoints shall not be heard.

I am not sure how a geology student at the University of Wisconsin could get a passing grade if they were a creationist, especially if they believed the Earth was only 6000 years old. Just because one believes something, does not make it a valid opinion. By his logic, flat-earthers, moon landing deniers, and all kind of other crackpotunpopular beliefs should be held in the same esteem as scientific knowledge.

Do people who believe this garbage have right to speak their mind? Sure they do. They also need to be aware that those crackpot unpopular opinions will receive a certain amount of pushback. Freedom of speech does not mean freedom from consequences:Just ask Bart Sibrel. In 2002 he confronted Buzz Aldrin, the second man to walk on the moon, by demanding Mr. Aldrin admit he never walked on the moon. Buzz Aldrin, then 72, punched Mr. Sibrel in the face. I am not one to condone violence but, Mr. Sibrel had it coming.

People who push conspiracy theories, creationism, flat-earthism, climate change denial, young earthism, and a host of other crackpot unpopular opinions do not deserve a seat at the table. I know I will hear about this in comments, but these people need to be ridiculed. If they want a public audience it should be on a street corner, not a University campus.

The bill also states that all University institutions must remain neutralon public policy controversies. The problem with that statement is many things that are settled science, or what are generally thought of as societal norms, are considered controversial to many on the right. Climate change, evolution, womens rights, civil rights, and a host of other topics would fall under this umbrella. If a student group invited the Grand Dragon of the Ku Klux Klan, you could not shout him down in the lecture hall.He would be allowed to have free speech; however, a student would be denied his or her free speech rights.

Assembly Bill 299 is an affront to the FirstAmendment, if it passes the Senate (which is likely) and if Governor Walker signs it into law it will be challenged in court;it will cost the taxpayers in Wisconsin millions of dollars to defend a law that Iikelywould not pass Constitutional muster.

This is just another gambit by Wisconsin Republicans to silence dissent, andto allow their crackpot unpopular beliefs and theories to have an equal seat at the table of sound, researched facts. They cannot accept that their beliefs are challenged. They have been trying for years to discredit climate change research. Now, if a climate change denier is invited to campus, a student majoring in atmospheric and oceanic studies cannot challenge the speaker and his/her misguided beliefs. Dissent is not always pretty, it is sometimes loud and uglybut it is necessary for a democracy to function.

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Free speech is only for conservatives - Daily Kos

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