Letters to the Editor Thursday, Oct. 7 – The Daily Gazette

Posted: October 7, 2021 at 3:44 pm

Dems undermining our democracyRaymond Harris Sept. 25 letter (Republican positions are anti-democratic) must be a joke.Lets start with vaccinations. Trump got them and encouraged them while Democrats openly said they would not take a Trump vaccine.He says the GOP wants to control womens bodies and health care simply because they want to stop legal murder. This while they are forcing you to get vaccinated. Is that not controlling your health care?As for the pandemic, the Democrats used it to violate voter laws, control all media, suppress free speech and shut down state economies all to hurt Trump.Republicans never supported the made-up insurrection, while Democrats supported year-long riots, looting and burning of cities all to hurt Trump.Voter ID is suppressive in the liberal world where undocumented immigrants, and really, the entire world, should get to vote.He vilifies the GOP for being overwhelmingly White while brutally attacking any non-White for joining the party. You want real history taught, then educate our kids on the racist history of Democrats. Every day, Democrats are in power they erode your freedoms and yet they want you to believe the GOP is anti-democratic. Ask yourself why the one party that hates the Constitution, and believes in socialism, is pro-democracy!The Democrats only need democracy long enough for you to vote it out. Sadly you probably will.Dave DankanichGalway

It wont be easy to undo Trump impactHealth care workers we called heroes are being harassed and attacked.Elected school board members screamed at and threatened for trying to protect our children.Obscene signage is placed on cars and lawns in the name of free speech. We shake our heads and wonder how did we get to this low place?The obvious answer is Donald Trump. He made rude, obnoxious behavior acceptable when he made fun of the disabled, and his disciples all laughed.Trump made harassment acceptable when he bragged about his treatment of women, and again his disciples all laughed.He downplayed the seriousness of the deadly pandemic, belittling the science trying to help, and his disciples nodded in bovine agreement.Trump reversed years of effort to protect our environment, and his rich, greedy disciples applauded.He personally encouraged the violent overthrow of honestly elected officials, not just in our Capitol but everywhere, and his disciples then felt entitled to intimidate everyone else to their way of thinking.America has struggled for decades to end hate and bigotry, and yet in only a few short years, one man has empowered these dogs of war to attack the current administration which inherited his hot mess.It will take hard work and perseverance to diminish the harmful effects of the Donald Trump legacy.We can only hope its somehow possible and pray its not too late.Virginia NewtonBurnt Hills

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Categories: Letters to the Editor, Opinion

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Letters to the Editor Thursday, Oct. 7 - The Daily Gazette

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