Letters to the Editor: Readers write in on free speech, food insecurity – Tyler Morning Telegraph

Posted: March 31, 2021 at 3:05 am

ON FREE SPEECH: A SOCIETY WITHOUT IT IS NO LONGER FREEIn response to Keith Burris commentary titled Definitely Not For Thee: The piece was well written and truthful. Just as a nation without protected borders is no longer a sovereign nation, a society without free speech is no longer free.

The First Amendment protects all speech, no matter how vulgar or offensive, but there is no constitutional protection for offense. Words do however carry responsibility, such as words spoken with clear intent to cause harm, such as screaming Fire in a crowded venue. Theres also fighting words as defined by the Supreme Court that intentionally solicit a physical response by the victim of abuse or harassment. Theres no such thing as hate speech, there is only speech and the individuals perception of certain speech.

My protected right to free speech cannot be legislated to keep your feelings from getting hurt or your perception to be offended. It says so in the Amendment; Congress (state or federal) shall make no law...

Remember, any legislation that conflicts with the Constitution is not a law, but an Edict, which comes from a King or a Dictator, neither of which represent the people of the country. The people are the Government of the United States, not the elected officials.

FOOD INSECURITY A REAL PROBLEM FOR OLDER TEXANSSo many older Texans who are eligible for SNAP benefits arent enrolled. The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program has very long and difficult certification requirements, and they are just too daunting. Food insecurity for older Texans is a real problem, and it is associated with increased risks of several health problems. Eligible seniors need this help.

Three bills that have been filed in the legislature deal with this problem: SB 224, HB 701, and HB 1230. I hope our representatives will support these bills.

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Letters to the Editor: Readers write in on free speech, food insecurity - Tyler Morning Telegraph

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