Letter to the editor: Sen. King consistently works to undercut Constitution – pressherald.com

Posted: January 3, 2022 at 1:35 am

So-called independent Maine Sen. Angus Kings announcement that he intends to vote with radical Democrats to break the Senate filibuster is consistent with his prior effort to shred the Constitution.

In 2014, under the tutelage of his mentor, then-Democratic Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, King joined 52 other Democrats attempting to enact into law Senate Joint Resolution 19, which would have gutted our First Amendment right to free speech by prohibiting or restricting the amount of money a candidate for office could raise or spend for election. Under this amendment billionaires, unions and the corporate media would retain their full speech rights, but you would lose yours.

Fortunately, this amendment was doomed to failure because it could not muster the required two-thirds majority to pass. Even the ACLU opposed it.

Ye shall know them by their fruits.

Walter J. EnoScarborough

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Letter to the editor: Sen. King consistently works to undercut Constitution - pressherald.com

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