Jim Jordan: ‘Do you have free speech when only the left can define what can be said?’ – Fox News

Posted: March 23, 2021 at 1:56 pm

Ohio Congressman Jim Jordan joined Maria Bartiromo on "Fox News Primetime" and slammed the Democrats for not holding a hearing on the border crisis, while passing a bill that created a pathway for millions of illegal immigrants.

Weve said why not have this a hearingabout this crisis on the border.Instead they go around thecommittee and pass just 40minutes ago, Maria, they pass abill that gives amnesty to3 million illegal immigrants.So amnesty while there is thischaos on the border, I mean,this is so out-of-touch withwhere the American people are.But this is how radical left, theDemocrats are. And then, ofcourse, the cancel culture issuethis idea thatI always ask itthis way, do you have afunctioning First Amendment whenonly one side is allowed totalk?Do you have free speech whenonly the left can define whatcan be said?So that's the situation we arein.

The Judiciary Committee shouldbe focused on those two issues.Instead they pass radical thingslike defund the police, federalcontrol of the elections and nowan amnesty bill without havingthe kind of hearings you aresupposed to have on Capitol Hillin the United States Congress.

The House Judiciary member also targeted Big Tech for their efforts in suppressing major stories, such as Hunter Bidens emails, in the lead-up to the November general election.

We had twoamazing witnesses last week inthe hearing in one of thesubcommittees of the Judiciaryand they talked about thecollusion between Big Tech andcertain players in big mediawhere they kept the Hunter Bidenstory from we, the people.And everyone knew that. The pressknew about this, Big Tech knewabout this, but they kept itfrom the American people as weare getting ready for thebiggest election that we have,the presidential election.

So, what they are doing, notonly via cancel culture but whatthey did in the election, to makesure Americans didn't getimportant information, I think isso troublesome.So we're trying to figure outthe best way to deal with this.We think section 230 has to berepealed and reformed.We also think you have to lookat the antitrust law and thesize of some of these big techcompanies as we move forward.


Jim Jordan: 'Do you have free speech when only the left can define what can be said?' - Fox News

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