College Republicans highlight free speech

Posted: February 24, 2012 at 4:57 pm

“Would any of you like to sign the free speech wall?” Jacob Vandever repeatedly asked anyone walking through the center of Oregon State University’s Memorial Union quad Thursday afternoon.

Some made no eye contact with Vandever. Others shook their head, said “Sorry,” and moved on. A few paused, grabbed a Crayola marker and scribbled something on the white butcher paper stretched over an easel.

The writing ranges from the political — “Santorum 2012” and “Tuition is too high” — to the informative — “I donated blood” — to the just plain opinionated — “Portland > Michigan.”

As part of First Amendment Week, OSU’s College Republicans have gone through a large piece of butcher paper every afternoon this week (with the exception of Monday, when they used a smaller piece of paper), with between 40 and 50 postings on each day.

Except for the lone Santorum post, most of the writing on presidential politics discussed Republican candidate Ron Paul or President Barack Obama.

“That’s been a pretty recurring theme,” Vandever said.

The writing on the wall began Monday, when the group launched First Amendment Week. The free speech wall refers to a well-known portion of the federal Constitutional amendment, which states that “Congress shall make no law … abridging the freedom of speech.” The amendment, a part of the Bill of Rights, also concerns freedom of religion and the press and the right to peacefully assemble and to petition the government.

Throughout the week, the group has seen some passersby write something and quickly walk away. Others stayed to chat. Kavi Khalil, a senior in electrical and computer engineering, took the time to read what others had written.

“It’s interesting, to say the least,” he said.

For the past several years, the College Republicans have organized Second Amendment Week, which concerns gun ownership and rights and is scheduled for April 16 through 20 this year. The group sets up a table in the MU quad and discusses the constitutional amendment and gun rights with passersby. Last year, they raffled off a rifle.

Conservative Portland-based radio talk show host Lars Larson brings his local and national show to campus for one day during the week.

However, David Del Moro, president of the College Republicans, said the group’s initial First Amendment Week aims to get students more involved in a broader discussion, rather than polarize them into a right-wing versus left-wing argument.

“Whether you believe conservative or Democratic values; we just want to talk and have a conversation about it,” Del Moro said. “We feel, ‘Why not write it on the wall, just get it out there.’ ”

In conjunction with First Amendment Week, the group also plans to take part in a debate with College Democrats at 7 p.m. Friday in Memorial Union room 208.

Contact Gazette-Times reporter Gail Cole at 541-758-9510 or

Originally posted here:
College Republicans highlight free speech

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