Berkeley’s First Free Speech Debate of 2017-18 – Inside Higher Ed

Posted: July 21, 2017 at 11:59 am
Berkeley's First Free Speech Debate of 2017-18
Inside Higher Ed
Sure, it's still summer. But the University of California, Berkeley, site of intense debates over free speech and campus security during the last academic year, is being hit with the first such debate for the coming academic year. Young America's ...
No, Cal Isn't Blocking the Ben Shapiro SpeechCALIFORNIA
Now UC Berkeley will ensure conservative Ben Shapiro can speak on campus, will even waive venue
Ben Shapiro to UC-Berkeley: 'This Bullsh*t Will NOT Stand'PJ Media

all 6 news articles »

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Berkeley's First Free Speech Debate of 2017-18 - Inside Higher Ed

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