Columnist is shamefully uninformed on abortion | Letters To Editor | – The Sun Chronicle

Posted: June 29, 2022 at 12:45 am

To the editor:

Re: What if Obama had been behind Jan. 6?, by Peter Gay, column, June 27:

I know how negative I must sound, but after reading the two stunningly, vacuous statements in Peter Gays column this week, I have to speak up.

Gay wrote, I am neither in favor of abortion or against it ... but I do believe that the abortions that Massachusetts and the other states allow should be limited to only residents of those states.

Wait. He doesnt care about abortion, but he cares about where and to whom it is administered? He obviously doesnt understand the impact of the terrifying theft of civil liberties taken from every woman in our country. In his confused mind, if a state has restrictive laws that may endanger a womans life, then Gay wants to refuse safe harbor to that woman and block the protection of this commonwealth, which would be assisting in the denial of her equal rights.

Sounds like an opinion about abortion to me. A shamefully uninformed one, but an opinion, none the less. Perhaps, Gay could educate himself by taking a few moments to read the Fourth Amendment. This clearly states, that the right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, shall not be violated.

Please, explain to poor Pietro that the Roe v Wade decision is not, and never really has been, about fetal abortion. It has always been about the illegal abortion of womens rights.

Dave Kane

Johnston, R.I.

The writer is host of the Kane & Co. radio talk show, which broadcasts from 9 a.m. to noon, Saturdays, on WARA, 1320-AM.

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Columnist is shamefully uninformed on abortion | Letters To Editor | - The Sun Chronicle

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