Who benefits from probiotic supplements? – Timesonline.com

Posted: March 27, 2017 at 4:50 am

Here, I said, while underhand pitching a bottle of probiotics at a friend sitting across the room, I think you may find these helpful.

You dont need them? she asked.

Apparently not. After doing some general research about probiotic supplements, I felt they would prove more a benefit to her than me.

What is a probiotic?

A probiotic is a live microorganism found in foods (yogurt and sauerkraut, for example) and supplements. The words bacteria and microorganism may make us shiver, conjuring thoughts of germs, but many actually assist the body with normal bodily functions. Inside our intestines live a world of live bacteria that help digest food along with destroying bad microorganisms that can cause illness and disease.

Probiotic supplements are often promoted as a means of triggering the growth of good bacteria in the gut.

But do they?

Here is where the jury is still out.

Before we jump into how probiotics may show evidence of reducing symptoms of infections, lets address their use by healthy individuals. A recent review of gathered data does not bode promising for healthy individuals and even suggests that the data found no concrete evidence that probiotics improve the balance of gut bacteria in healthy adults. (www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmedhealth/behindtheheadlines/news/2016-05-12-no-evidence-probiotics-are-beneficial-for-healthy-adults/)

Trust me when I share that this conclusion shocked me, for I was one of those healthy individuals taking a probiotic supplement every morning.

Though, after some assessment as to how I felt before adopting a daily probiotic compared to the weeks during which I took them, I could honestly report no difference. Of course, how I feel is not necessarily a substitution for a formal study, but the lack of any noticeable change had me questioning the effectiveness of probiotics for me personally. As someone who eats a nutrient dense diet consisting of fruits, vegetables, fermented foods and those high in fiber, did I even need a probiotic supplement?

Ive now been off probiotic supplements for a few weeks, (having gifted my bottle to that friend who I think will benefit), and again, I cannot report a difference. I dont feel better. I dont feel worse. I just . . . am. Thus, Ive decided to skip the added supplement and stick to a nutritious, balanced diet.

Does this mean probiotic supplements are a waste of money? Not entirely.

While there is still need for formal trials on the effectiveness of probiotics, there is promise that they may:

However, these benefits have not shown to be definitively validated and not all probiotics will have the same effects.

Studies on probiotics have been limited, and while it is not possible to be certain of their absolute effectiveness, the opposite is also true. Quality evidence based research does not reveal probiotics to be completely ineffective either.

Lets hope that better designed studies will continue to reveal more and give us direction.

Until then, load those plates with fruits and vegetables, choose foods high in fiber and give fermented foods such tempeh, sauerkraut, kimchi, kefir, kombucha, miso soup and yogurt a try.

Read more:

Who benefits from probiotic supplements? - Timesonline.com

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