Vitamins have unique job within the body – The Oshkosh Northwestern

Posted: February 24, 2017 at 6:24 pm

Molly Yatso Butz, For USA TODAY NETWORK-Wisconsin Published 10:13 a.m. CT Feb. 24, 2017 | Updated 7 hours ago

Molly Yatso Butz(Photo: file)

It wasnt until the mid-1930s that vitamin supplement tablets were sold. Up until then, vitamins were only obtained through food intake. Since the middle of the 20th century, vitamins have become inexpensive semisynthetic and synthetic-source dietary and food supplements and are easily available.A vitamin is defined as an organic substance essential to nutrition.Currently, 13 vitamins are universally recognized and are classified by their biological and chemical activity.

Vitamins are essential for normal growth and development and healthy maintenance of cells, tissues and organs.They are classified as either water-soluble or fat-soluble.The four fat-soluble vitamins include Vitamin A, D, E and K.Water-soluble vitamins are the eight B vitamins and Vitamin C.Water-soluble means the vitamins dissolve easily in water and are generally excreted from the body, which means consistent intake of these vitamins is important because they are not readily stored in the body.The fat-soluble vitamins are absorbed through the intestinal tract with help from lipids or fats.Fat-soluble vitamins are more likely than water-soluble vitamins to accumulate in the body

Every vitamin has a unique job within the human body.Vitamin A, otherwise known as beta-carotene, helps with treatment of some eye disorders, promotes bone growth, teeth development and reproduction. It also helps maintain healthy skin and hair. It is found in foods such as asparagus, broccoli, cantaloupe, carrots, eggs, kale, liver, milk and spinach.Vitamin K works in your body by regulating normal blood clotting, promoting growth and development and is essential for kidney function.Good sources of Vitamin K are dark leafy greens, oils from green plants and some dairy products.Vitamin D is sometimes referred to as the sunshine vitamin. It is used to absorb calcium and phosphorus to create bone.Vitamin D sources include fortified milk, liver, eggs and tuna.Vitamin E is required for proper function of many organs in the body, and it also is an antioxidant, which means it assists in slowing down the process that damages cells.

Vitamin B1, or thiamine, is necessary for normal function of the nervous system and metabolism.The best sources of Vitamin B1 are meat, whole grains, fish and nuts.Vitamin B2also is known as riboflavin and assists in energy generation, nerve development, blood cell development and hormone regulation.It maybe found in bananas, dairy products, eggs, fortified cereals and mixed vegetables.Vitamin B3, niacin, is like other B vitamins in which it is essential for metabolic cell activity, hormonesand nervous system function.Good sources are meat, fish and whole grains.Folic acid, or Vitamin B9, is very important for the growth and reproduction of all body cells, including red blood cells.The best source of folic acid is liver and dark green leafy vegetables.Vitamin B12 serves as a coenzyme for creation of DNA material and promotes growth and cell development.Vitamin B12 is not found in plants, but good sources are meats, fish, eggs and dairy.This vitamin also is important for fat, carbohydrates and protein to be metabolized in the body.Vitamin C is one of the most important vitamins in your body because it is vital for a healthy immune and nervous system. Vitamin C helps connective tissue, otherwise known as collagen, to remain the defense mechanism against disease and infection.Vitamin C produces antibodies during seasonal colds or when the body is being overworked.It maybe found in fruits, tomatoes, vegetables, Brussels sprouts, green peppers, spinach and kale.

The best way to ensure your body is getting the vitamins it needs is to eat a healthy, balanced diet, with a variety of color, whole grains and low-fat protein.If you believe you dont get enough vitamins through food, and feel vitamin supplementation would be beneficial, talk with your healthcare provider.For recommended daily intakes, visit the Food and Drug Administration website at

Molly Yatso Butz is the community health and wellness director for the Oshkosh Community YMCA.

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Vitamins have unique job within the body - The Oshkosh Northwestern

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