Fat-Soluble Vitamins: What They Are and How To Get the Most Out of Them – Health Essentials

Posted: May 18, 2023 at 1:06 am


When it comes to vitamins, there are two big camps: The fat-soluble types and the water-soluble varieties.

To keep your body functioning at its best, you need adequate amounts of both.

And when it comes to fat-soluble vitamins, there are some tips and tricks you should consider to ensure youre getting the most from your daily intake.

The fat-soluble vitamins areA, D, E and K. They tend to come from animal and dairy products but can also be found in some fruits and vegetables. And theyre important for several functions in your body, including your vision, bone health, immunity and blood clotting.

We talked with family physician Matthew Goldman, MD, about each of these fat-soluble vitaminsand how to get the most out of these important nutrients.

There are four fat-soluble vitamins:

Dr. Goldman breaks each down, including what they do, how much you need and where to find them.

Vitamin A is most closely associated with your vision. It also plays a big role in keeping your skin and hair healthy and boosting your immunity.

How much you should get

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recommends a daily value of 900 micrograms (mcg) of vitamin A for adults and childrenaged 4 and older.

Vitamin A foods

Your body doesnt naturally create vitamin A. It only comes from the foods you eat. Vitamin A is found in animal products, as well as some fruits andvegetables, particularly orange ones.

Known as the sunshine vitamin, your body creates vitamin D from exposure to sunlight. Its found naturally in very few foods.

Vitamin D is important for bone and muscle health and can help protect you from osteoporosis. It also supports your immune system and promotes brain health.

How much you should get

The FDA recommends a daily value of 15 mcg of vitamin Dfor adults and childrenage 1and older.

Babies under 1-year-old need about 10 micrograms of vitamin D per day. Vitamin D doesnt get passed in breastmilk, so babies who are breastfed/chestfed should get a daily vitamin D supplement. Formula-fed babies also need vitamin D supplements for their first several months of life, until they drink at least 32 ounces of vitamin D-fortified formula per day. Your childs pediatrician can best advise you on your babys nutritional needs.

Vitamin D foods

You get most of your vitamin D through exposure to sunlight, rather than food. Its not found in many foods naturally. But some packaged foods may be fortified with vitamin D.

Vitamin D deficiencies are common. And vitamin D supplements can be beneficial for a lot of people, particularly people who have limited exposure to sunlight and people with darker skin. Well talk more about vitamin D deficiencies in a bit.

Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant. That means it helps fight off the free radicals that lead to aging and chronic disease. Youll often see vitamin E as an ingredient in skin care products, particularly products marketed as anti-aging or softening.

As part of your diet, research on vitamin E is ongoing. But theres evidence to show that vitamin E may provide some protection from heart disease, cancer, eye disorders and cognitive decline.

How much you should get

The FDA recommends a daily value of 15 milligrams (mg) of vitaminE for adults and children 4 and older.

Vitamin E foods

Many nuts and oils are natural sources of vitamin E. Some packaged foods may also be fortified with vitamin E.

Vitamin K helps build strong bones, regulates blood clotting and keeps your blood pressure in check.

How much you should get

The FDA recommends a daily value of 120 mcg of vitamin Kfor adults and childrenage 4 and older.

People who are taking a blood thinning medication, such as warfarin (Coumadin), should talk with a healthcare provider about their recommended vitamin K intake. Thats because large quantities of vitamin K can raise the risk of blood clots for people on those medications.

Vitamin Kfoods

There are two types of vitamin K: vitamin K1 and vitamin K2. They do similar things for your body, but come from different food sources.

Vitamin K1 is typically associated with leafy greens and other veggies. Vitamin K2 is mostly found in dairy and animal products.

These foods are high in vitamin K:

As fat-soluble vitamins, vitamins A, D, E and Kdissolve in fat and oils.

That means the fat-soluble vitamins in the foods you eat get absorbed by the fats you eat. Its fat that allows them to get into yourbloodstream, circulate all over your body and keep you in tip-top shape.

Fat-soluble vitamins are best absorbed when eaten with healthy fats, Dr. Goldman explains.

That means that along with your vitamin-rich foods, youll get the most nutritional bang for your buck if you layer on a bit of healthy fat, too. That can be foods like avocados, olive oil, seeds, nuts and vegetable oil.

But you probably dont need to think about it too hard if youre already eating a relatively well-balanced diet.

If youre eating a variety of whole foods, youll most likely get enough healthy fats in your diet to absorb these vitamins, Dr. Goldman notes.

If youre relying on supplements to get your fill of fat-soluble vitamins, take them along with a healthy snack or meal.

Unlike water-soluble vitamins, which are quickly passed through your body and excreted in your urine, your body stores up fat-soluble vitamins like a rainy-day fund.

Fat-soluble vitamins are stored in your bodys fatty tissue and in your liver for a long time, Dr. Goldman explains.

Because your body holds on to fat-soluble vitamins, most people who have adequate access to nutritious foods get plenty of vitamins A, E and K in their diets without trying too hard.

Vitamin D deficiencies, on the other hand, are pretty common. Thats because vitamin D isnt readily found in a lot of foods, and many people dont get enough sunlight for their bodies to make sufficient amounts of vitamin D. Vitamin D deficiency has even been called an ignored epidemic. More than a billion people across the globe have vitamin D deficiency.

But theres another side to it. Because fat-soluble vitamins stick around in your body, its possible to get too much of a good thing.

Its possible for fat-soluble vitamins to become toxic in excess. So, its important not to exceed the recommended daily dose, Dr. Goldman warns. Generally, its best to get fat-soluble vitamins from food sources rather than supplements, unless a healthcare provider has specifically recommended supplements for you.

In other words, youre probably not going to get excessive or dangerous amounts of vitamins A, D, E and K from your diet. But if youre taking supplements, too, youll want to be careful about going overboard.

If you have questions about whether youre getting the right amount of fat-soluble vitamins in your diet, be sure to talk with a healthcare provider.

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Fat-Soluble Vitamins: What They Are and How To Get the Most Out of Them - Health Essentials

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