Some GOP lawmakers want entitlement reform in next budget – The Hill

Posted: February 15, 2017 at 12:37 am

Members of the conservative Freedom Caucus said Tuesday entitlement reform should be included in the next budget that passes the House, despite President Trump's campaign promise that he would leave Social Security and Medicare alone.

"I think any budget that we pass out of the House must include entitlement reform," said Rep. Mark Meadows (R-N.C.), chairman of the House Freedom Caucus.

But, he said, benefits to taxpayers who paid into the system should be left untouched.

"I think it's incumbent upon conservative members of Congress to put forth a conservative budget, and the only want to really address that is through saving Medicare and Social Security."

But Meadows said he thinks Trump will be open to reform as long as benefits for current beneficiaries are not diminished.

"We have to act now in order to save the benefits for those future recipients of those programs," Meadows said.

Mick Mulvaney, Trump's pick for budget director, was also a member of the House Freedom Caucus and will have the president's ear on entitlement reform.

Mulvaney pushed for an overhaul of Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid while in Congress.

"I believe Mick Mulvaney was brought in to provide a different perspective and based on my conversations with Mick, he thinks that the White House will welcome that different perspective," said Rep. Justin AmashJustin AmashSome GOP lawmakers want entitlement reform in next budget Republicans dismiss growing protests at home GOP lawmaker proposes abolishing Department of Education MORE (R-Mich.), another Freedom Caucus member.

"I hope that President Trump will consider what he was to say on that matter. Mick has always been a strong fiscal conservative. I hope that President Trump will heed his advice."

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Some GOP lawmakers want entitlement reform in next budget - The Hill

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