On the anniversary of the Refugee Act, Biden needs to act – The Dallas Morning News

Posted: March 20, 2021 at 3:01 am

On Feb. 12, the Biden administration made the case in a 15-page document to Congress that the White House intends to issue an emergency presidential determination to reset the U.S. refugee resettlement program because of grave humanitarian concerns and the public interest. The Biden administrations subsequent failure over the last five weeks to address what is, in its own words, an emergency is both perplexing and harmful.

At a time of the largest displacement crisis in human history compounded by a global pandemic, with 80% of the worlds refugees hosted by countries already affected by acute food insecurity and malnutrition, the United States must, as President Joe Biden declared in his inaugural address, lead by the power of our example. Biden inherited from former President Donald Trump a refugee resettlement program that is not just weak, but harmful in its discriminatory approach.

The percentage of Muslim refugees resettled into the U.S., for example, plummeted from over 45% of the caseload in fiscal 2016 to under 20% every year after fiscal 2017. What is lesser known is that the number of Christian refugees shrank as well, from 37,512 Christians resettled in 2016 to 23,754 Christians resettled in pre-pandemic 2019.

With the stroke of a pen, Biden can reverse the harm that Trump has caused the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program, raise the refugee ceiling from its current all-time low and, most importantly, end discriminatory policies barring refugees based on national origin. Yet, in spite of the good intentions expressed on Feb. 12, Biden has merely continued all of the Trump administrations refugee resettlement policies.

When Washington Post columnist Catherine Rampell asked the White House about the reason for the delay, the White House responded with what she aptly describes as a content-free statement.

By expressing a commitment to refugee resettlement and then doing nothing, the Biden administration has raised the expectations of refugees who now must linger in dangerous places even after having been vetted and approved by the Department of Homeland Security. Sadly, this administration has made a bad situation even worse, further undermining Americas credibility with the most vulnerable refugees, the countries that host them, and the organizations that help them.

For example, thousands of refugees who were vetted, interviewed and approved for refugee status by the DHS are literally prevented from traveling to the U.S. by Trumps refugee policy, which left no slots for most refugees from Africa or the Middle East. And, with Biden keeping all of Trumps anti-Muslim and anti-African policies in place, 715 refugees who were literally booked on flights by the Biden administration have had those plane tickets rescinded.

Those refugees are now in an even worse situation, having left their homes with no place to go. Approved refugees who need medical attention are not able to travel either. For example, among the refugees HIAS, the global Jewish nonprofit that protects refugees, was preparing to welcome was a pregnant refugee who entered her third trimester after her canceled travel date. She and her family must either separate or remain grounded until after she delivers the baby and recovers from childbirth.

This past Wednesday was the 41st anniversary of President Jimmy Carter signing the Refugee Act of 1980. To mark the occasion, he issued the following statement reflecting on the importance of the Refugee Act:

Americans know the heart of the stranger. The colonies that became the United States were founded by refugees from religious persecution, and our religious traditions call on us to welcome the stranger.

During my presidency, the world faced the greatest refugee crisis since the Second World War as people fled political persecution and crushing poverty in many places. Desperate refugees were drowning and dying from exposure at our doorstep, yet the United States lacked a legal structure to receive them in an orderly way.

In response, Congress passed the bipartisan Refugee Act of 1980, which I signed into law on March 17. The law established a framework to resettle refugees and extend asylum to those fleeing persecution. Implementation of the new law relied not just on the U.S. government, but also on civil society and faith-based communities in a public-private partnership.

In the final year of my presidency, the United States resettled 207,112 refugees. Since then, we have resettled more than 3 million refugees and granted asylum to over 700,000 people. Today, millions are taxpaying Americans who have contributed greatly to our communities and to our economy.

On this 41st anniversary of the Refugee Act, we as Americans can reflect on our decision as a nation to welcome the stranger and renew our commitment to remaining a beacon of hope for freedom-loving people everywhere.

As a nation of immigrants and refugees, we now wait for Biden, who as a young senator was a co-sponsor of the Refugee Act, to restore the promise of the act and the American tradition of being a welcoming country.

Mark Hetfield is president and CEO of HIAS (the American Jewish communitys refugee agency).

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On the anniversary of the Refugee Act, Biden needs to act - The Dallas Morning News

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