Sen. Blumenthal to receive the First Amendment Defender Award –

Posted: March 5, 2020 at 6:21 pm

WASHINGTON D.C. (WTNH) Connecticut Senator Richard Blumenthal is set to receive the First Amendment Defender Award from the Radio Television Digital News Foundation Thursday evening.

Blumenthal will be honored at the 30th annual recognition of First Amendment champions.

The award is presented to an individual or an organization that takes a public stand in support of press freedom.

At a time when press freedoms and access have been under attack, Sen. Richard Blumenthal from Connecticut has stood tall for the rights of journalists to do their jobs and inform the public. He has an impressive record of fighting for the truth and defending the publics need to know.

Sen. Blumenthal is currently serving his second term in the U.S. Senate representing Connecticut. Previously he served five terms at CTs Attorney General, fighting for individuals against large and powerful special interests. Among other things, he is being honored for his relentless work eradicating corruption in state government and making state contracting accountable, fair, honest, and transparent.

Blumenthal joins such honorees as the news show 60 Minutes, David Muir of ABC News, Steve Andrews of WFLA-TV, Lori Montenegro of Telemundo, Barbara Maushard of Hearst Television, and Robert (Bob) Horner of NBC News.

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Sen. Blumenthal to receive the First Amendment Defender Award -

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