Glenn Greenwald –

Posted: November 6, 2016 at 6:59 pm

The untold story of how Edward Snowden risked everything to contact Glenn Greenwald and changed the world forever

A highly ideological, jingoistic clique masquerades as objective scholars, all to justify US militarism

Executive branch agencies have learned well from the Obama administration's fixation on punishing whistleblowers

A new reality show of soldiers and celebrities playing war games showcases our national religion: military worship VIDEO

The contrast between Paul Ryan's iconic image and his personal reality is typical of America's partisan leaders VIDEO

Helping a burned-to-the-ground Missouri mosque quickly re-build would make a powerful and constructive statement VIDEO

Mark Halperin of Time provides some important insight into the behavior of his colleagues

Is there a causal link between racially-motivated violence by individuals and U.S. foreign policy?

In Yemen, Al Qaeda bombs a funeral of someone it killed days earlier. How can Terrorist monsters do this?

Obama's 2008 campaign manager and current adviser becomes very rich by converting his influence into corporate cash

The accusation that the President has failed to deliver Change is, in certain key respects, unfair

Why don't American oligarchs fear the consequences of their corruption, and how can that be changed?

How Americans are efficiently trained to acquiesce to ideas once deemed so radical as to be unthinkable

A Nation writer defends the attack on Chick-fil-A. I have some questions for him and those who think like him

The gossip rag devotes substantial space to publishing a sleazy McCarthyite screed by Newt Gingrich

A well-crafted hoax is quickly uncovered, showing the advantages of Internet journalism over the traditional model

One of the White House's favorite Middle East reporters insists -- as a compliment -- that Obama deserves the title

Chicago blocks a business from expanding because its president opposes same-sex marriage

A vital new book from the TARP IG, and yesterday's vote on a Fed audit, reveal some disturbing truths

His status among American elites is the single most potent fact for understanding the nation's imperial decline

The California Democrat is both the prime enemy of leaks and "one of the biggest leakers in Congress"

New vindictive restrictions on detainees highlights the falsity of Obama defenders regarding closing the camp

The US and Israel blame Iran for the suicide attack in Bulgaria, but offer no evidence for the accusation

Today brings more high-level classified disclosures from an administration fixated on punishing whistleblowers

I'll be writing in a new venue beginning next month

A legal challenge to the Obama assassination program should create common ground for its supporters and critics

Today's killing of Assad officials raises uncomfortable questions about the meaning and justifiability of Terrorism

Journalists' excuses for their bad behavior -- it's necessary to get quotes -- are both fictitious and irrelevant

The news network's Pentagon reporter reasons that "Iran already has a missile that could reach the U.S"

A high-level defender of Obama's drone secrecy says "it's not to cover up wrongdoing." Let's see if that's credible

Huffington Post publishes, and then deletes, a post by a MeK spokesman. What does this tell us about Terrorism?

The Pentagon considers awarding war medals to those who operate America's death-delivering video games

Harold Ford Jr., sleazy corporatist and nepotist, offers up a particularly grotesque defense of U.S. aggression

An American banker is shocked to be held accountable in Britain

Peter Bergen's drone propaganda; State Department admission on human rights; unpopularity of NATO's Libya war

The Obama Court appointee once again sides with the right-wing faction in an important ruling

Events surrounding the release of the paperback version of With Liberty and Justice for Some

The California Democrat, long a prime defender of the Surveillance State, renews her assault on the First Amendment

How can the sprawling domestic spying apparatus be undermined?

What powers should the president have against those who advocate open, violent revolt against the U.S. government?

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