Women Share Things That Other Women Need To Know, But Are Never Really Taught – Chip Chick

Posted: March 31, 2022 at 2:25 am

Lets face it: standard school curriculum may prepare you to solve quadratic equations or recite the United States historical timeline. But, many practical skills are also severely undertaught.

Additionally, many other more personal skills such as emotional awareness and self-love are neglected inside traditional classrooms.

One Reddit user was particularly interested in womens points of view on this topic. This user asked the women of Reddit, What is something that every girl should know but is rarely taught? The takeaways range from financial practicality to knowing your worth.

Strategies for financial independence.

There is a great podcast I love called Shes On The Money. The episodes explain in easy-to-understand lingo stocks, shares, mortgages, and all that stuff.


As a guy, this is for sure something I will teach my future daughters. It is not boy stuff. It is sophisticated member of society stuff.


It is okay to be rude if someone will not leave you alone. You do not owe anyone your time or energy.

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Women Share Things That Other Women Need To Know, But Are Never Really Taught - Chip Chick

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