Living a FI | A Geek’s Guide to Financial Independence

Posted: April 14, 2017 at 12:10 am

Full quote: When we win on Nov 8 and elect a Republican Congress, we will immediately repeal and replace Obamacare. Made during many, many speeches, a tremendous number of huge speeches, the very best speeches, by U.S. president-elect Donald Trump.

You cant always believe what candidates running for office say as they slog through their campaigns gross exaggeration, pandering, and outright lies are to be expected by all involved but when it comes to Obamacare, surely it is safe to believe that some real changes are in store for us.

Why? Well, its because the Republican party has been actively trying to cripple and repeal this legislation since it passed back in 2010. These attempts have been a) without a Senate majority and b) while Obama was still in office.

So its logical to assume that there will be some action taken here now that those blocking problemshave, from their perspective, been corrected.

And to be perfectly honest, Im a little concerned about it. Not scared or panicked not at all. But its a situation that warrants interest, attention, and the ability to alter plans and be flexible.

This post will explore what might happen, and how we could bestapproach potential changes.

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Quick disclaimer: I cant recommend that readers performthe actions Ive taken, so be aware while reading Im not suggesting that everyone should follow my lead here. Please dont, at least not before carefully thinking through the implications.Most people implement alternate solutions to solving their own moral dilemmas caused by index investing. (There are tons ofgood suggestions in the comments.)

Another mass shooting here in America occurred last weekend, the worst ever, half a hundred dead, a likenumber wounded, all caused by one crazy asshole unleashing not exactly unimaginable horror on innocents.

Of course, its not unimaginable because it happensall the fucking time in this country.

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Ive made a terrible mistake!

I quit my job about a year ago.

My last day was April 17th, 2015, to be exact.

At this point Ive got close totwelve full months of my new life under my belt. Thats plenty of data, if you ask me.

And its become clear that, beyond the shadow of a doubt, thedream of early retirement more closely resembles a nightmare.

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Well, its not areturn exactly. Not in the ordinarysense of the word.

What Ive actually been doing is reading some of my old anger diary entries. This feels likeentering a time warp leading back to myold life, living out days as a technology worker, even though Im still happily living without any paycheck whatsoever.

Mental. Return. Only.

At this point youre probably wondering what an anger diary is. Good question!

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Disclaimer. Yet again, theres no talk of finances in this one. Instead Im discussing some ofmypost-working life in a very casual, journal-y way. Additional warning: Its intensely personal. If that doesnt sound interesting to you, well then, absolutely no worries. Thats what the back button on your browser is for.

My momcalled last Sunday night.

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The lobstered gauntlets come off prior to settling in at the keyboard

Fact: Virtually everyone individual who runs a blog eventually writes meta-articles on what its like to author one, how things are going, why and how you might become a blogger too,and so on.

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I wish it were this easy to run the yearly numbers.

I havent done one of these types of posts in a while but I feel its worthwhile to capture our spending picture for2015.

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Living a FI | A Geek's Guide to Financial Independence

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