In NH, Ted Cruz talks Senate race, personal past, 2016

Posted: April 28, 2014 at 10:48 pm

It's still two years until the New Hampshire presidential primary, but potential contenders are already laying the groundwork.

Texas Sen. Ted Cruz spent the past few days in New Hampshire for his second visit in less than a month.

Click to view News 9's report.

Unlike prior visits, where he joined with big-name Republicans at a central event, Cruz is drawing crowds on his own in New Hampshire, largely like-minded voters who feel the Constitution is being compromised.

"We've never seen an administration infringe on our liberties like the Obama Administration: the First Amendment; the Second Amendment; the Fourth and Fifth Amendment(s), said Cruz.

Known nationally for his opposition to the health care law and for spearheading last year's government shutdown, he's now introducing himself on a personal level, telling how before immigrating to America, his father once fought alongside Fidel Castro.

"When he was 14 years old, he started fighting in the Cuban revolution, said Cruz.

Today, Cruz calls New Hampshire ground zero in the race for the U.S. Senate, but would not say if he'd be compelled to campaign alongside a more moderate candidate like Scott Brown.

"You got a primary going on first and the grass roots will make that determination. What I can say unequivocally, New Hampshire would be far better served by a Republican representing this state, said Cruz.

For that to happen, said Cruz, Republicans need to go back to the template that got him elected in the first place.

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In NH, Ted Cruz talks Senate race, personal past, 2016

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