Top 30 Reasons Kamala Harris Would Be A Terrible President – The Federalist

Posted: July 30, 2024 at 4:06 am

The powers that be decided this week that despite her disastrous approval numbers and long history of unpopularity among Democrat voters, Vice President Kamala Harris will take President Joe Bidens place as the blue partys presumptive 2024 candidate.

Here are 30 reasons why Harris, whether through Bidens resignation or the upcoming election, would make a terrible president.

Harris had a front-row seat to President Joe Bidens mental and physical deterioration but never said a word. In fact, she routinely issued statements indicating Biden was fit enough to stay president.

Harrisbelievesthe pro-terrorist activists taking over college campuses, occupying highways, and defacing military cemeteries are merely showing exactly what the human emotion should be.

Harris famously refusedto say which abortion limits she supports in a September 2023 sitdown with CBSs Margaret Brennan.

Biden named Harris as border czar in 2021, but it took her months to visit ground zero of the record-breaking invasion her administration incentivized. The Border Patrol chiefs responsible for securing the border also confirmed that Harris never spoke with them.

Harris traveled thousands of miles away from the U.S. border invasion she was tasked with handling to deliver peace and security to the borders of Ukraine, which is a country.

Harris claimed she saw horrible footage of Border Patrol agents whipping illegal border crossers, but a U.S. Customs and Border Protection investigationfound no evidence that the horseback unit used their reins to strike migrants.

One of Harris most notable accomplishments is receiving the worst vice presidential rating in the history of modern polling. Her abysmal job approval ratings have only continued, often ranking worse than Bidens, and do not suggest that shes up to the task of taking over the presidency.

A whopping 92 percent of Harris staff left in her first three years as vice president.

While arguing against voter ID laws, Harris claimed that its almost impossible for rural Americans to make a photocopy.

Harris has tried to come off asinspirational, but her speeches and public addresses are often riddled with jumbled, off-script chattering or unintelligible babble that rivals Bidens incoherence.

Harris used the presidential podium to cheer on Democrats for taking on rightly the crisis pregnancy centers.

Accused rapists, repeat offenders, and rioters alike benefitted in June 2020 when Harris encouraged her social media followers to donate to a bail fund dedicated to those arrested for their months-long, $2 billion siege of cities like Minneapolis. The vice president later lied about her involvement in the money-raising scheme.

During the peak of Black Lives Matter calls to defund the police in 2020, Harris refused to say whether she supported defunding law enforcement. Instead, she championed meeting thedire need for mental health resources.

Harris loves to tell a story about asking for fweedom from her stroller at a civil rights march. That supposed childhood memory, however, suspiciously resembles one Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. told Playboy in 1965.

During her short-lived presidential campaign in 2020, Harris debuted plans for a $100 billion home-ownership subsidy for black families she claims should be repaid for generations of discrimination.

Harris threatened during the 2020 Democrat primary debate to take executive action on guns if Congress did not meet her demands by passing the most comprehensive background check policy weve had. After taking office, Harris claimed no one is trying to come after your guns as the Biden administration and Democrats prepared to do just that.

During the 2020 vice presidential debate, Harris proudly promised the Biden-Harris White House would repeal a bill that prevented a$4 trillion increase in taxes.

Theres no question Im in favor of banning fracking, Harris said during a 2019 CNN town hall.

Harris failed infants in 2019 when she voted alongside other Democrats against legislation that would compel doctors to give babies born alive after botched abortions the same level of care other humans receive.

During a CNN town hall forum in 2019, Harris said she wanted to eliminate all private insurance, which would strip millions of Americans of their health coverage.

I am opposed to any policy that would deny in our country any human being from access to public safety, public education or public health, period, Harris told CNNs Jake Tapper in 2019.

Harris called the staged hate crime an attempted modern-day lynching. She did not apologize even after Smollett was found guilty of felony disorderly conduct and making false police reports.

Harris claimed Rev. Al Sharpton, who has a history of inciting race riots and anti-Jewish pogroms, has spent his life fighting for whats right and working to improve our nation. She also spoke at a summit with ties to the former Womens March Chair Tamika Mallory, who stepped down after praising Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan.

In 2019, Harris called on then-Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey to suspend Donald Trumps account because she deemed his tweets incendiary.

As a senator, Harris was a proud co-sponsor ofthe original version of the Womens Health Protection Act, which sought tocodify abortionthrough all nine months of pregnancy.

As a senator, Harris asked the acting director of Immigration and Customs Enforcement if he saw any parallels between the KKK and his agency.

When pressed about Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortezs proposed 70 percent tax hike in 2019, Harris called the freshman legislator fantastic and praised her for challenging the status quo.

As a senator in 2018, Harris smeared Brian Buescher, a nominee for the U.S. District Court in Nebraska, for his affiliation with the famous Catholic fraternal organization Knights of Columbus and its historically pro-life views.

Harris not only publicly declared her belief in Christine Blasey Fords evidenceless allegations against Justice Brett Kavanaugh but used her position as senator to interrupt and smear the Trump nominee numerous times during his 2018 confirmation hearings. Even after Kavanaugh officially joined the high court, Harris claimed his confirmation was a denial of justice for the women of this country.

As California attorney general, Harris prosecuted journalists David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt for exposing Planned Parenthood fortrafficking the body parts of aborted babies.Part of her prosecution involved a raid on Daleidens house, where investigators allegedly seized footage further implicating the abortion giant and handed it over to Harris abortion campaign donors.

Jordan Boyd is a staff writer at The Federalist and producer of The Federalist Radio Hour. Her work has also been featured in The Daily Wire, Fox News, and RealClearPolitics. Jordan graduated from Baylor University where she majored in political science and minored in journalism. Follow her on X @jordanboydtx.

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Top 30 Reasons Kamala Harris Would Be A Terrible President - The Federalist

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