Parents Say School Tied Mask On Their Special-Needs Child With Rope – The Federalist

Posted: October 30, 2021 at 2:48 pm

Sofia Steele, a 7-year-old special needs student with Down syndrome who attends Brevard Public Schools (BPS) in Florida, recently came home from school short of breath and with a mask tied to her head and neck with nylon rope. Her mask was saturated with her own saliva.

Theres a special place in hell for the three members of the Brevard County School Board who did this to Sofia Steele There will be hell to pay, Florida state Rep. Randy Fine said Friday.

Sofias father, Dr. Jeffrey Steele, said he was unaware she was being forced to wear a mask at school in the first place. Sofia is a non-verbal special needs student. She has an oversized tongue and sensory issues. Her father believed Sofia was exempt from BPSs mask mandate.

Until the day he found out she wasnt, when Sofia came home from school choking on her mask. Apparently, that was the first day school officials forgot to take off her mask before sending her home.Furious, Sofias father called the school and found out that neither he nor Sofia had a choice on masking.

Reportedly, officials at the school had been bullying Sofia to put on the mask for six weeks, backed by BPSs illegal mask mandate, which has been pushed by lightning-rod school board member Jennifer Jenkins, a Democrat. School officials resorted to tying the mask to Sofias face with rope after she rejected their efforts to affix the mask via the ear loops. Sofias family is pursuing legal action.

Steele said of the danger in which the school placed his daughter, Medically, she could aspirate. She could asphyxiate, and all sorts of medical things could happen because of her breathing, and her enlarged tongue, it could cause seizures.

Steele says he also called Jenkins, who failed to return his call. Jenkins claims she never received his message.

This was during the same time Jenkins was busy making the rounds on national media outlets like MSNBC, portraying herself as a victim. She alleged she had been terrorized by parents of students in BPS, who disagreed with her over issues such as the mask mandate.

To be sure, there is no place for terrorizing or trampling anyones rights, including Jenkinss. Hopefully, the truth will come out regarding her allegations, and justice will prevail.

Sofias story came to light last week when Steele stood alongside Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, Fine, and other Florida officials during a Brevard press conference regarding Sofia and other school-related issues, including how Florida is fighting back against the Biden administrations targeting of parents with the full force of the federal government as domestic terrorists.

As a multitude of peer-reviewed scientific studies indicate, masks are ineffective for Covid mitigation, at best. Yet Democrats clearly dont care about the dangers of masks or what the science says about mask efficacy. As you can see in one of Jenkins recent political stunts, in which she burns through some half-dozen masks in 36 seconds, nor do Democrats care about the grave impact of discarded masks on the environment, including the billions of discarded masks poisoning the worlds oceans.

As for the illegality of BPSs mask mandate, the board, led by Jenkins, voted in August to extend a mask mandate. This defied the DeSantis-endorsed Parents Bill of Rights, which protects the rights of parents to choose whats best for their children, including the choice of whether to mask. Jenkins, along with fellow board members Misty Belford and Cheryl McDougall, voted against mask opt-outs in BPS. Thus, BPS has been sanctioned by the Florida Department of Education.

Yet two days after DeSantiss press conference, BPS did an abrupt about-face, announcing it would allow mask opt-outs effective immediately. BPS cited Brevards recent drop in Covid cases. Jenkins immediately claimed mitigation has paid off, attributing the drop in cases to the mask mandate, even though the data strongly indicates that masks had no effect on cases in Florida.

As for Sofia, Fine revealed over the weekend that criminal investigations are ongoing, and hes working on legislation to put the Brevard County school board members who did this to Sofia in prison for a very long time.

Jason Peirce holds a BA in Literature from Florida State, an MPS in Economic Development from Penn State, and attended Santa Barbara College of Law. He now resides with his beautiful family in the appropriately named Sunshine State of Florida.


Parents Say School Tied Mask On Their Special-Needs Child With Rope - The Federalist

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