Hemingway: Leaders Should Be Wary Of Post-9/11 Style Crackdown – The Federalist

Posted: January 19, 2021 at 8:54 am

Federalist Senior Editor Mollie Hemingway warned leaders ought to be wary of new dangers presented to American civil liberties in the aftermath of the attack on Capitol Hill just as new restrictions were passed following the September terrorist attacks in 2001.

People were terrified, Hemingway said after Al-Qaeda terrorists brought down the World Trade Centers and flew a plane into the Pentagon, and that resulted in a very big constriction of civil liberties that was not always in the countrys best interest and not always constitutional.

Now, Hemingway argued, following another attack on the nations capital this time coming from domestic political extremists, the same reaction repeating itself coming primarily from big tech implementing a widespread purge of non-leftist voices in the 21st-century public square.

Youre having very powerful people, tech oligarchs, and other people working with Democrats and people in the media to suppress all political opposition, Hemingway said. Thats a very real danger that needs to be taken seriously by our leaders.

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Hemingway: Leaders Should Be Wary Of Post-9/11 Style Crackdown - The Federalist

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