Democrat Wants To Put Josh Hawley And Ted Cruz On The No-Fly List – The Federalist

Posted: January 13, 2021 at 4:30 pm

The Democrat chair of the U.S. House Committee on Homeland Security wants Republican Sen. Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley put on the federal No Fly list due to the actions they participated in when the U.S. Capitol was ransacked by Trump supporters on Jan. 6.

When asked by SiriusXM host Joe Madison whether the no-fly sanction should be applied if Cruz and Hawley are found liable for the capitol unrest, House Homeland Security Committee Chair Rep. Bennie G. Thompson said, Theres no question about it.

Theres no exemption for being put on the no-fly list, said Thompson. Even a member of Congress that commits a crime, you know, theyre expelled from the body. There are ethics charges that can be brought against those individuals. And people are looking at all of this.

Cruz and Hawley did not participate in any violent actions. The senators have both publicly condemned any rioting that occurred on Jan. 6. Democrats are angry because Hawley and Cruz led a legal objectionto counting some Electoral College votes. For wanting to ensure the integrity of U.S.elections, Democrats are callingfor the senators to resign or beremovedfrom office.

Hawley and Cruz have been smeared by the left as violent insurrectionists and threats to our democracy. President-elect Joe Biden last FridaycalledHawley and Cruz Nazis who should be flat beaten the next time they run.

Following the capitol riot, Simon and Schuster said last Thursday that it has canceled the publication of Hawleys upcoming book The Tyranny of Big Tech.

Thompson is leading the charge to punish all the rioters who entered the capitol. First of all, these folks, in my opinion, can be classified as domestic terrorists because of the actions they participated in on Wednesday, said Thompson. Now under normal circumstances international terrorists are out on no-fly lists. These are domestic terroristssame thing. A terrorist is a terrorist, no matter who you are.

Apparently, however, it does matter who you are. The Mississippi representative never characterized the Black Lives Matter and Antifa thugs, who looted and vandalized American cities all summer including the U.S. capitol, resulting in mass chaos, destruction, insurance payouts of up to $2 billion, and the death of at least 30 people, as terrorists. Nor did he rally to have the left-wing rioters placed on the no-fly list. Actually, he publicly supportedthem.

Evita Duffy is an intern at The Federalist and a junior at the University of Chicago, where she studies American History. She loves the Midwest, lumberjack sports, writing, & her family. Follow her on Twitter at @evitaduffy_1

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Democrat Wants To Put Josh Hawley And Ted Cruz On The No-Fly List - The Federalist

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