A Divisive Impeachment Will Only Make Trump A Martyr – The Federalist

Posted: January 13, 2021 at 4:30 pm

President Donald Trump is on his way to becoming the most cancelled man in America.

On Friday, Twitter pulled the plug on the presidents account in a move that was a long time coming after a horde of Trump supporters rampaged about the U.S. Capitol in protest of the Electoral College certification. The move followed Facebook and Instagram doing the same on Thursday, sparking a leftist purge of online voices dissenting from the dystopian world order of big tech oligarchs ruling from Silicon Valley.

Google, Snapchat, Spotify, Shopify, YouTube, TikTok, Pinterest, Reddit, and Twitch have each now banned or restricted an outgoing president now facing not only corporate banishment from the online public square but a second impeachment by Democrats seeking to bar the outgoing commander-in-chief from ever holding office again. The presidents exile, however, coming from top government officials and big corporate exposes not only the faade of Democrats call for unity but a deep obliviousness to the underlying issues that sparked the Capitol unrest.

Below is one of the final posts retweeted by Ashli Babbitt, the 35-year-old woman who served 14 years in the military and was shot to death while attacking the Capitol building.

People I trust in Washington DC 1) President Trump the end, the post reads.

While video of Babbitts shooting calls into question the officers use of a deadly weapon, her presence at the Capitol cant be excused. Nor could any other persons. Americans were killed in the attack, dozens others were injured. The imagery of a riotous mob overwhelming the Capitol put another scar on a fractured country.

Condemning the rioters and understanding their presence, however, are not mutually exclusive. Each are equally important.

Babbitts endorsement of the post above, along with the more than 22,000 others who liked it, is emblematic of the worldview shared by millions as institutional leaders have failed them, lied to them, and even mocked them for decades.

As my colleague, Federalist Culture Editor Emily Jashinsky, points out, while their views of mistrust might be misguided, theyre hard to blame, because the corporate media has lied to them about the big stuff time and time and time again. So have their elected officials. So have scientific institutions and leaders in academia.

Theyve watched their mayors and governors violate their own regulations for the sake of leisure or personal convenience or politics, crippling business and workers while they eat crabs. They then watched the medias nakedly unbalanced coverage of it all, wild bias from bonus-pocketing journalists purporting to be arbiters of fact and undisputed occupants of the moral high ground.

Their lives, like all of our lives, have been upended in just over a decade by products tech oligarchs promised would make us happier. Those same billionaires now join the chorus of elites who treat them as irredeemables and deplorables because they disagree with full-throated progressivism.

So when Trump stood down the street from the Capitol and blasted the election being certified in the Democrats favor as an illegitimate process, his thousands of followers believed him, ransacked the Capitol, and gave leftists ammunition to declare them deplorable.

Last weeks unrest has now been capitalized on by Democrats and their allies in big media and big tech to implement a corporate-government crackdown that was absent in the aftermath of routine riots last year from far-left militants.The onslaught has offered Democrats the political momentum to achieve the top policy item of their Trump-era agenda: the presidents impeachment, even after hes out of office.

Impeachment, however, only serves to inflame divisions by rooting out a man who was always a symptom of deep problems that promise to persist even long after his departure. Worse, Trumps post-presidential impeachment reinforces the convictions of the presidents supporters who believe Trump is the only figure they could trust. Thats what led them to riot in the first place.

Read this article:

A Divisive Impeachment Will Only Make Trump A Martyr - The Federalist

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