Posted: February 21, 2022 at 5:57 pm

While the world is in turmoil, I couldnt help but wonder about my RIFERATOR which I named in my bookTHE CHRONICLES OF QIafter the American inventor and early exponent of high-magnification time-lapse cine-micrography, Royal Raymond Rife.In my story, this Riferator is able to cure any kind of disease / virus.

So, it got me thinking, why arent we curing Covid-19 with frequency?

If 5G can make us sick, then the right frequency will lead to the destruction of any virus that inhabits us.

Why not tune all 5G towers around the globe, or any cell site, to the right frequency and therefore cure all people at once by letting them leave their homes and simply stand close to one of the towers for a couple of minutes every day to start with the daily treatment of disabling Covid-19 inhabiting their bodies or even any virus at all?(Well, I guess we all know the answer to why this isnt an option and instead 5G is being used to increase the number of sick and dying people around the world, but I thought I should point that out and maybe the right person will read this article to get things rolling)

Our scientists have already found this magic frequency. We now know that for example cancer is vulnerable between the frequencies of 100,000 Hz and 300,000 Hz. This is because you have to have two input frequencies, one low, one high, and the higher frequency must be 11 times the lower. The 11th harmonic. So, when we add the 11th harmonic, we begin to shatter microorganisms like a crystal glass.

If you want to find the secrets of the Universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration. Nikola Tesla

Bottom line, if we take my research from article 1-3 (War of the Giants, The Engineered Virus, The Coronavirus Cure), we can basically add this big question of the 5G towers to our list of the U.N. Agenda 21 (2030) as a possible test to see whether the Kabals idea of using these towers to control the outbreak of any virus, by switching it on and off whenever they feel fit for their further moves, could be reality.

A vaccine would act as a nano-biological trigger inside the bodies of the people that are willing to be controlled by a vaccination agenda as guinea pigs. The vaccine will then, in combination with the 5G towers, become a lethal weapon to keep people sick, all year long and kill them quietly because their papers wont say they died of Covid-19 but for example diabetes, a heart attack, high blood pressure or whatever the doctors will detect in the bodies to make sense of their deaths.

Of course, thats just my logical line of thought, based on my research and the Kabals goal to eliminate 80% of the worlds population by earliest 2030. After that, my gut tells me, they will finally release their free energy, flying cars, space ships and many more fringe technologies to the survivors that will from then on build the NEW WORLD ORDER, more or less unknowingly and absolutely excited about this (false flag) DISCLOSURE.I call it the modern-day Nazi-Regime wrapped in the coat of a superhero.EXCERPT 1 from THE CHRONICLES OF QI by J.E. Kerry:The Riferator being used to fight the Progeria PandemicThe once so extremely rare autosomal dominant genetic disorder became a plague around 2300 A.D. when the OWO (Old World Order) and their human experiments went sideways, causing a global pandemic, killing millions of children through this rapid aging disease and almost erased the human species on Earth.

The Riferator, based on resonant light technology, was then developed by a group of young, alternative thinking scientists who were working on new solutions for cell-growth and reverse stimulation. They based their studies on the discredited beam ray device of American inventor and early exponent of the high-magnification time-lapse cine-micrography, Royal Raymond Rife.

His original invention in the 1920s was reported to destroy pathogens through the vibration of a particular rate and devitalize disease organisms in living tissue. After his death in 1971, and despite the public scientific rejection involving a conspiracy of the American Medical Association (AMA), the Department of Public Health and others, his work was revived in 1987 with the book The Cancer Cure That Worked by Barry Lynes. Following the publication was the classified production of more and more Rife devices as a subset of radionics devices, which were counted as pseudo-medicine by mainstream experts.

The conspiracy against cancer, AIDS and various other diseases progressed until the early 23rd century, even after the first stone for the founding of the A-Nation in the 22nd century was set. This shows how deep the global conspiracy was running and how much it must have cost past generations to overcome this secret ruling until the extropian philosophy could manifest within everyones heart and soul. And at that point, the first spark for the A-Nations ACAM agency, the Advanced Complementary and Alternative Medicine Agency, was born, not knowing that it would soon become essential to the survival and reproduction of the human race on planet Earth.Wow! exclaims our young councilman, so thats what happened. It is hard to tell if he is genuinely intrigued or just being sarcastic. His colleagues merely roll their eyes and shake their heads as they watch the HVRB feed.

In the progeria filled ward, the frequency therapy of the Riferator performs its magic by using low energy waves, also known as radiofrequency electromagnetic fields, to search for the electromagnetic frequency of the disease and then activate an impulse of the same to reverse the diseased cells into healthy ones.The Riferators ring device spins around its egg-chair, creating an arch-like, electromagnetic cocoon around the chair and the patient, using the integrated surface-conductors to stabilize the energy grid and equilibrate the waves to lock the individuals calibrated frequency.Ooooh,

A general exclamation of awe fills the entire room at the sight of the wonderful spectacle of science on display.Next, to the Progeria girl, another egg opens, and a completely healed 10-year old boy steps out of the chair, relieved. He glances out the window and the view changes once again, dissolving into a Russian spacecraft launching a giant pyramid-shaped solar reflector into the Earths orbit.EXCERPT 2 from THE CHRONICLES OF QI by J. E. Kerry:The Riferator being used to reverse an induced alien cell-mutation virus:The remaining citizens suffer from a genetic mutation, he continues.

Our scientists will use a higher dosage of the Riferator to find the right frequency and reverse the cell-mutation.

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