Blog – Tau Station

Posted: July 26, 2017 at 1:35 am

A very wise and gifted old man once stated:

Mutation: it is the key to our evolution. It has enabled us to evolve from a single-celled organism into the dominant species on the planet. Its process is slow, and normally taking thousands and thousands of years. But every few hundred millennia, evolution leaps forward.

While we do have the utmost respect for the afore-quoted gentleman, the denizens of Tau Stations verse have taken a slightly more extropian approach. Born of necessity and the need to survive in the new situations that arise when one seeks to colonize new star systems with their own idiosyncratic gravities, atmospheres, and a whole host of new dangers, humanity bio-engineered its own evolution.

Read on below to discover Tau Stations Genotypes!

Continue reading "Genotypes: Evolution by Design"

We love great stories! Its something we simply cannot overstate. A couple of months ago we brought you our first batch of Mission Dispatches. Our narrative designers have been busy crafting tales and stations, and while we sometimes find ourselves wondering about the worrying giggles emanating from their brainstorming sessions, we feel its time to bring you another glimpse into some of Tau Stations upcoming stories!

Continue reading "Mission Dispatches : Chapter Two"

Founded by wealthy Gaule philanthropists looking to fashion a station devoted to the arts, Nouveau Limoges has long existed as a haven for artists, poets, musicians, and idealists. With its reputation for independent thinking and a resistance to authority, the station has always been seen as somewhat of an eccentric anomaly to the Gaule administration. With its large population of free thinkers, devoted to creative pursuits, the government was often at odds with the non-conformity of its citizens. The imposition of tighter control was met by increasing civil disobedience and the threat of outright rebellion.

Continue reading "Nouveau Limoges: Sanctuary of the Arts"

June has drawn to a close Tau Station has continued to grow and evolve. There is, of course, still much to do but seeing progress taking shape fuels our passion to soldier on!

Each week brings more results, and the Universe of Tau Station is taking shape day after day. Its a beautiful feeling that we love to share with you!

Continue reading "Tau Station Status Report: June"

Kbenhavn, once a beacon of industry, a station of shipwrights and world class engineers known far and wide as the very best in the building of spacefaring vessels. Now, after the Catastrophe, this station is a husk of its former self. When the Catastrophe struck here, it struck hard. Hundreds of gargantuan ships moored above the station, some for repairs, others being built outright, came slowly but inexorably crashing down upon the luckless denizens below. Cruiseliners, built to ferry thousands of passengers across the solar system disintegrated entire city blocks, other buildings exploded into fiery balls of deadly plasma as fuel tanks ignited or dangerous payloads caught a spark. In the aftermath, Kbenhavns people crawled out of the wreckage and, those that did, marvelled at their survival.

Continue reading "Kbenhavn The Shipwrights Shipwreck"

When reading through the literature of how games are built, we find that a common pattern for many games is the Entity-Component-System (ECS) pattern, first used in one of our favorite games Thief: The Dark Project. Tau Station uses ECS for items the characters can find and its proven very flexible and since were not a traditional graphic game, some of the known drawbacks of ECS dont apply to us. However, we also make use of traditional object-oriented programming (OOP) and thats where we wish to avoid a common trap that many software developers fall into: multiple inheritance.

Continue reading "Avoiding Multiple Inheritance with Traits"

Within the Universe of Tau Station there are two great superpowers that have been rivals for centuries. Though the Consortium and the Gaule Protectorate have reached agreements on numerous mutually beneficial economic, military, and scientific policies, their basic ideological and cultural differences have always been major points of contention. In an earlier blog we discussed the Consortium; here we take a look at the Gaule Protectorate.

Continue reading "The Gaule Protectorate"

May is almost over and this month brought us many ups and downs but only regarding the temperatures here in Western Europe. Our international development team is weather-proof and is moving steadily forward to Closed Alpharegardless of the circumstances beyond our windows. This month we were also able to set up important internal processes and tools which will help us to work more efficiently in the weeks to come. Read on below to see what our team has accomplished for Tau Station in the last weeks.

Continue reading "Tau Station Status Report: May"

What was once violent and rough, volatile, and explosive has calmed like the stars from which our bodies were fed our first ancient form. The old ones give us the origin tales of our promise land: Daedalus, our home and we, The Promethean Sect, have claimed it as our own. We thrive on our home station. The time for destruction and disorder has come and gone. Our bounty is won: Daedalus Station is our haven. From this we vow peace. Sated, we vow calm.

Continue, that you may know more.

Continue reading "Daedalus Station. Your True One Life awaits."

Clones and cloning are unique elements found in Tau Station. They are an integral part of our universe, serving as both interesting plot devices and essential parts of game play. Knowing how important they are to your experience, weve also had our art team craft visuals that help illustrate the cloning process in details that go beyond imagination.

Continue reading "A Visual Visit to Your Local Clone Center"

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