The Alamo Hosts Virtual Event Discussing the Evolution of Slavery in Early 1800s Texas – NBC 5 Dallas-Fort Worth

Posted: February 12, 2021 at 5:32 am

In honor of Black History Month, the Alamo is hosting a virtual event discussing how slavery evolved in Mexico, Texas, and the U.S. during the early 19th century.

The event, called "The Alamo Addresses: Slavery in Texas, Mexico, and the U.S. from 1820 - 1846 - An Interactive Discussion," will allow participants to learn about how slavery factored into the time period before and after the Texas Revolution.

Carey Latimore, Ph.D., associate professor of history at Trinity University and author of the Alamo's report on Civil Rights in San Antonio: WWII to 1960s, will discuss how slavery changed during the early 1800s.

News from around the state of Texas.

"The impact of slavery continues to leave its mark on our nation," Carey Latimore said. "I am honored to have this opportunity to engage in this most important topic at the Alamo. There is so much more to discuss than I can possibly fit into a single event. Knowing that, we will focus on how Texas fits into the broader context of slavery's evolution in the region during this period."

The virtual event will be hosted by Texas Representative Babara Gervin-Hawkins, and it will feature an interactive Q&A session with participants in real-time.

The event is free, and it will be available via Zoom at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday.

Spots for live participants are limited, so viewers must reserve a spot on

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The Alamo Hosts Virtual Event Discussing the Evolution of Slavery in Early 1800s Texas - NBC 5 Dallas-Fort Worth

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