‘Ring of Fire’ Solar Eclipse In Pisces: What It Might Mean For You – Collective Evolution

Posted: February 25, 2017 at 3:25 pm

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We are having a Solar Eclipse in Pisces on February 26th, 2017 at 2:58pm Universal Time. While itwill only be visible in parts ofSouth America and Africa, as withevery eclipse, the astrological significance will still affect the whole planet.

This is an annular eclipse, which is when the Sun is almost completely blocked from the Moon except for the outer edges. This is because the Moon is near its apogee, which is its furthest distance from the Earth. This type of eclipse is also referred to as a ring of fire,thanks to its unique appearance.

We also had a Lunar Eclipse in Leo a few weeks ago. Eclipse season, which occurs every six months, is a significant period of transitions thatcan start up to six weeks before eclipsesbeginand play out over the following months. However, this eclipse window isparticularlytransitional because we are shifting away from two years of Virgo-Pisces eclipses and into Leo-Aquarius ones.

Venus is slowing down to go retrograde on March 4th. Any changes or developments we have had since January 30th regarding love, relationships, pleasure, money, value(s), beauty/aesthetics, or art,will face a reflective and/or a reconsideration/adjusting phase over the next six to eightweeks. (Note: Join my mailing list here to be notified when that article will be published.)

We have had a series of eclipses in Pisces since March 2015, but this will be the final one. These have all been South Node eclipses, which shake up certain negative aspects of ourselves that are no longer serving us, depending on the sign theyre inand where it is in your personal birth chart. The Eclipse is aligned with Neptune, which is a modern ruler (or sub-ruler) of Pisces;therefore it amplifies the Piscean themes mentioned below.

We need to look at the negative traits of Pisces and Neptune energy and identify what areas of our lives they areplaying out in and what needs to change. It could be related to delusional behaviour or outlook, deception, escapism, carelessness, or avoiding our duties or physical health. This could also shake things up if we tend toself-sabotage, self-sacrifice, and/or if we have problems with drugs and alcohol.

For some people, there may be a direct connection between this eclipse and how the upcoming Venus retrograde will make changes in how theyapproach love relationships. For example, Pisces and Neptune expressed negatively can make us delusional about a person or relationship and not see the situation for what it is. Or if you have been treating a relationship as an escape while avoiding important duties/tasks, these upcoming months can shake that up as well.

Collectively, Neptune and Pisces are both associated with oil and the oil industry. It is very likely that during the upcoming six months we will see an escalation in problems and conflicts that arise as a result of the industry. However this plays out, it would clearly illustrate the need for us to abandon oil andmovetoward sustainable and clean energy sources.

Mars is in its own sign of Aries in a tight conjunction with Uranus. This can be an energy of surprising, innovative,or explosive action. It could manifest as breaking free, or even some sort of rebellion, attack, or shakeup. Both planets are in a challenging opposition with Jupiter in Libra, which wants to expand and teach us lessons in relating/diplomacy, relationships/partnerships, balance, justice, beauty, and art.

There is some potential for conflict here between these two sides. However, the initiating and assertive Mars in Aries will be making a harmonious trine to Saturn in Sagittarius that will be strongest from March 4th-6th. This is great for any sort of determined effort, and in some cases it could be connected to Sagittarian themes of travel, exploration, education, marketing, teaching, and publishing.

What negative Piscean-Neptunian traits do you need to let go of? Take a look at what camearound a year ago, and almost two years ago when those eclipses were also in the same sign. There could be a connection between what came upthen and now. If that is the case, these upcoming months are the time to make those changes, as the lunar nodes are in the final stretch the Pisces-Virgo polarity.

Another thing to consider is that we are transitioning to a push toward Leo energy, since the previous lunar eclipse was in that sign. One thing that Pisces and Leo have in common is that both signs can be very creative. Therefore, for those creative types who are being challenged by their own negative Piscean-type traits, this can be a excellent time to find greater fulfillment by shining in ones creative self-expression. If you wish to do any intentions it is best to do them within the first 24 hours following the eclipse.

The exact time and peak of this New Moon Lunar Eclipse is at 2:58pm Universal Time on February 28th. Click hereto find out what that is for your time zone.

What does this Lunar Eclipse mean for you specifically?Get a personalized reading with the author of this article based on your exact birth date, time, and location.Click here for more information.

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'Ring of Fire' Solar Eclipse In Pisces: What It Might Mean For You - Collective Evolution

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