Evolution | Castle Clash Wiki | FANDOM powered by Wikia

Posted: August 5, 2017 at 6:23 am

IGG released a new features in the (Sept/Oct 2015) update, which enables Legendary 10 star Heroes to continue getting tougher and gain a new look.

Currently only Legendary Heroes can be evolved and although evolve, their HP per level does not.

AlsoHarpy Queen is subject to an anomalous drop in her HP base.

A Hero must fulfil all the evolutionary (evo) Hero requirements before a it can be evolved. When a Hero is ready to evolve it will appear in the Heroes Altar with the its Star Level shining and the Hero will have Evolve where you typically see the Upgrade button:

The initialmove speed will drop to the 4 Starspeed for evo1 and 5 Starspeed for evo2.

The returned books must be claimed from your mailbox within 7 days.

The following tables shows the minimum number of books that are returned for each level, what level these books can level a new hero to and for each level where the next 500k break starts on that level (add 500k steps to this number to find where the subsequent breaks start, ie for 183 the first break is 313,501 , so the next break will be at 313,501 + 500,000, the next at 313,501 + 2 x 500,000 etc).

Honor Badges are also used to increase the Star level of a hero, which raises it's maximum level capacity:

Use the "Base Evo Stats (Level Up)" shown in a Hero's "Info Box" (found at the top right of each Hero's page) to calculate a Hero's damage (DMG) and Hit/Health Points (HP) for a given HeroLevel:

Spirit Mage example withDamage: [669+] 378 (+13) andHitpoints:[10230+] 1680 (+90):

Evolved Heroes Star level evolve from level 1 with 3 +evolution generationStars.This means that the Hero's Stars will not increase until the evolved Hero reaches the relevant level to Star level, ie, level 80 to go above 4Stars, level 100 to goabove 5Stars.

EvolvedHeroesstill follow the standard stats formula with these exceptions:

This now means that calculating evolved stats includes theHero'sunique fixedbaseas well as newbase stats(be careful not to confusebasewithbase stats) which is typically shown in [x+] in theHero'sInfo Box" andStarswill not start to increase until theHeroreaches 4 or moreStars.

The evo1 heroes' stats have many advantages over their counterparts including starting out with a massive base making them up to around 3.0x - 1.88x HP and about 1.6x - 1.33x DMG than their counterparts. But this is partially offset byStarlevelingup increases not starting until theHeroreaches 5Stars.

Evo1 HP and Evo1 DMG are larger than its equivalent counterpart but the biggest increase is with HP with DMG being much smaller increase.

For HP, an evo1 hero at level 66e1-68e1 will typically be match the HP of its level 180 counterpart and 132e1-135e1 for DMG. But at 66e1-68e1 an evo1's hero DMG will still be well under will that of the level 180, but rather be close to that of level 104-110. It is not until an evo1 hero gets to level 132e1 that its DMG becomes a close match for its counterpart at level 180.

In battle simulations an evo1 level of between 100e1 and 120e1 typically matchesits level 180 counterpart. But this does vary from hero to hero with some heroes able to match at 100e1 and others only barely at 120e1.

- Hero must reach 10 Stars (at least level 180 )

- 1 Evolution Rune (can be obtained by spending 1000 Fame collected from Lost Battlefield)

- 1,000 Red Crystals

- 1 duplicate of the same Hero, you can provide the duplicate by 3 ways:

All Experience gained by the hero after reaching level 180 (10Stars)will be returned inBless Tome experience books (500,000 exp), typically rounded up to the nearest 500,000 exp.

- Hero must reach 10 Stars of the first Evolution system

- 5 Evolution Runes

- 2,000 Red Crystals

- 3 duplicates of the same Hero

If Hero has a higher level than 185, the Experience gained after reaching 185 will be returned in Bless Tome || experience books (500,000 exp).

Honor Badges aren't used for evolving heroes but they will be used to level them up.

Evolution Compare: Evo2 versus Evo1 @ level 185

Evo2 versus Evo1 at level 185: Comparing Evo2 (all levels) to Evo1 at level 185 to see differences in the evolution from evo1 level 185 to evo2.

Continued here:

Evolution | Castle Clash Wiki | FANDOM powered by Wikia

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