LETTER: Consider Planned Parenthood’s origin – Galesburg Register-Mail

Posted: June 27, 2017 at 7:18 am

Editor, Register-Mail: Many conservative Republicans believe that the lives of viable babies in the womb are precious and have a right to life. Planned Parenthood, as some may not know, was founded by Margaret Sanger, an advocate of the eugenics movement. The eugenics movement promoted the reduction of sexual reproduction and sterilization of people with undesireable traits such as the very poor and non-whites. Sanger was deemed a white supremacist by many. She opened the first birth control clinic in New York in 1916, which eventually became Planned Parenthood. Margaret Sanger began the Negro Project, allegedly to reduce that population in the guise of a concern for womens health issues. This was reportedly her cover and solution to reduce the unfit in society.

Her legacy continues through Planned Parenthood resulting in large numbers of black abortions disproportionate to their population. About 40 percent of all Planned Parenthood abortions are performed on black women. Planned Parenthood is an ally of a culture of death in America. Those who claim that the effort to defund Planned Parenthood is a part of the war on women disregard that the original intent was to decimate poor communities. The horrors of abortion are apparent to those who care to understand how the procedures are performed. The goal of abortion is not womens health, but the snuffing out of the lives of the innocent unwanted unborn.

All life is the handiwork of our creator and should fill us with awe. Preserving innocent life should be a major concern of those who participated in The March for Truth. Under recent pro-abortion amendments to the Illinois Health Care Right of Conscience Act, pro-life medical personnel who exercise their conscience and refuse to participate in abortions must refer patients seeking abortions to doctors who will perform them. What is next on the liberals agenda? Will medical personnel who refuse be charged with discrimination for impeding a womans right to choose? Conservative Republicans are facing a growing criticism from leftist ideologues who are openly hostile to sensible Christian moral values. Deuteronomy 30:19 (Choose life!) Thomas E. Mosher, Victoria

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LETTER: Consider Planned Parenthood's origin - Galesburg Register-Mail

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