Q&A: On David Icke, Expectations, Unconditional Love, Deja …

Posted: July 5, 2016 at 11:44 pm

Find energetically powerful crystal jewellery I've personally made in my new Etsy shop! https://www.etsy.com/shop/MaNithyaSudevi

Check out my art books, too!





In this video, Sudevi answers the following questions:

T_MJ12 asked, via Twitter:

What do you think of David Icke's way of explaining the Illuminati agenda?... He talks about a reptilian agenda.

crabcookswhoredust asked, via YouTube:

I found your channel 2 days ago, and I'm so glad I did. You gave me a reinforced grounding that learning to always be in tune is a place I can be. I wish I had a really good question. I'm also glad that I'm not currently stuck by any obstacles. Is there any advice you can give for moments that just seem dead? Not pushing anything but no desire for excitement. When I don't know what to do, what do I do?

michelleee94 asked, via YouTube:

hello! i was hoping you might be willing to share your opinion of the teacher drunvalo melchizedek. i tend to be very skeptical of whose information i can trust and depend on, and so far you have given absolutely no sign of misleading information. every on of your videos I watch continues to help me on my path, so i truly respect your opinion and advice. this man seems untrustworthy, but i may be wrong.

snipecor2000 asked, via YouTube:

do you get a lot of people asking where they have met you before?

bhaugart asked, via YouTube:

Sometimes I feel like alive dead. No thoughts, no feelings, just empty, but i do think that it's because of my anxiety and fear. how do i cope with this?

MyLaundryRoom asked, via YouTube:

Do you have to detox/ water fast to transform into the real you?

alykasa asked, via YouTube:

I have a question I've been wondering about for a while. Are we supposed to love and respect all people, no matter how mean spirited they are? Are some people inherently bad? If someone were to say, kill my family, am I supposed to have love and compassion for that person, and not wish for justice?

cigiss asked, via YouTube:

I have a question that is sort of linked to alykasa's: is it ok to have expectations of people? sometimes you feel that they mistreat or disconsider you. are you supposed to just accept them as they are, and just limit the time you spend with them if they hurt you? can you tell me why they hurt you, or is that not delicate? i want to be honest with myself and the one who is hurting me. i usually build things up inside and deeply suffer and i can't seem to find balance with some.

JyAppeljoos asked, via Twitter:

Do you have any take on the concept of entheogens? New video topic, maybe?

Please note: the order in which these questions are listed here differed from the order in which they are answered in the video. Also, my camera ran out of batteries towards the beginning of the response to Jy's question about entheogens, so... he was right: it became the topic of a new video! I'll link that video here once it's fully uploaded.

See original here:

Q&A: On David Icke, Expectations, Unconditional Love, Deja ...

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