What exactly is going on with Donald Trump Jr.? – Washington Post

Posted: July 14, 2017 at 5:43 am

President Trump spoke at a news conference in Paris on July 13 and defended Donald Trump Jr.'s meeting with a Russian lawyer. (The Washington Post)

In this occasional series, we will bring you up to speed on the biggest national security stories of the week.

Another bombshell in the growing scandal surrounding PresidentTrump and Russia landed earlythis week. On Tuesday, the presidents son Donald Trump Jr.released anemail exchange withhim and and a publicist who told him that a Russian lawyer could provide the Trump campaign with potentially damaging information about Hillary Clintonthatwas part of Russia and its governments support for Mr. Trump.

The New York Times first reported over the weekendthat Trump Jr. met with Natalia Veselnitskaya, a Russian lawyer, at Trump Tower in 2016. Then-campaign manager Paul Manafort and Trumps son-in-law, Jared Kushner, were present, as well. The president has defended his son, calling him a wonderful young man and a good boy.

Here is everything you need to know about this fast-moving story:

Who are thenew key players?

Rob Goldstone, a British music publicist for Russian pop star Emin Agalarov.Goldstone is encouraged by Agalarov to arrange a meeting between the Russian lawyer and Trump Jr., according to the emails. He sends an email to Trump Jr. in June 2016 saying that the information the Russian lawyer could provide would be interesting to Trump. The exact line in his email reads: This is obviously very high level and sensitive information but is part of Russia and its governments support for Mr. Trump.

Natalia Veselnitskaya, a Russian lawyer.Veselnitskaya was first described in Goldstones email as a Russian government lawyer. AlthoughVeselnitskaya worked in a local prosecutors office in Russia, she said she does not work for the Kremlin. In an interview with The Washington Post, Veselnitskaya defended herself by saying no one tasked her with meeting Trump Jr. and that the story is nonsense. She has also advocated for lifting economic sanctions against Russia imposed by Congress. The Kremlin has denied knowing her.

Emin Agalarov, the Russian pop star, son of real estate developerAras Agalarov. TheAgalarovsfirst met Trump in 2013, when they helped Trump bring the Miss Universe pageant to Moscow. Trump even appeared inone of the music videos by the younger Agalarov. His father tried to set up a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin and Trump, but it never transpired.

What was actually discussed in the meeting?

Trump Jr. said the meeting with the Russian lawyer didnt result in anything useful.

In his official statementconcerning the meeting, Trump Jr. saidVeselnitskaya made no sense and thatshe changed the topic to discuss the American adoptions of Russians and the Magnitsky Act, the piece of U.S. legislation she has been working to overturn. The law is seen as the firstgateway to lift what Moscow considers are punishingU.S. sanctions placed on Russia for its intervention in Ukraine.

Veselnitskaya told The Post that even from the start of the meeting, it was clear we were talking about two different things. In all, Trump said the meeting lasted about 20 to 30 minutes.

So why is this a big deal?

After months of speculation whether the Trump campaign colluded with Russia to win the presidential race, the emails offera stark example of thecampaign seeming eager to receive information from the Kremlin about its political opponent.

Most ethics lawyers agree that it is very unusual that a foreign government would provide this kind of informationon a rival candidate.

Typically, the research comes from scrubbing public records andlegislative histories.

Did Trump Jr. break the law?

Not necessarily, because it depends whether what Trump was offered would be considered a thing of value. U.S. law states it isillegal for campaigns to solicit or accept contributions from foreign nationals or foreign governments. The Post's David A. Fahrenthold explains: What Trump Jr. was offered might be considered a thing of value, if the information he was seeking had cost someone money to produce or if it was something that a campaign might have paid for.

Trump Jr. maintains his meeting did not produce any value.

What could Trump Jr.have done instead?

Some say the campaign should have called the FBI. During the 2000 presidential debate,Vice President Al Gores staff received a package containing stolen materials fromGeorge W. Bushs campaign. The Gore campaign contacted the bureau.

Read more:

What exactly is going on with Donald Trump Jr.? - Washington Post

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