The Catalog of Donald Trump’s Lies – New York Times

Posted: June 30, 2017 at 12:51 am

Photo President Trump at a recent rally in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Credit Stephen Crowley/The New York Times

To the Editor:

Re Trumps Lies, by David Leonhardt and Stuart A. Thompson (Op-Chart, Sunday Review, June 25):

I greatly appreciate the presentation of President Trumps lies over these last five months, but I doubt that their publication will deter this president from continuing his mendacious behavior. Simply put, lying works for him: It gets him lots of headlines, and his supporters seem pleased that the mainstream media appears to be quite frustrated.

The bigger problem is that printing and broadcasting Mr. Trumps lies isnt having much effect on his tens of millions of supporters. They still tell pollsters that Mr. Trump is their voice. If we want to peel away Trump supporters, we have to not just publicize his lies but also demonstrate how the presidents actions threaten or hurt them personally. And, above all, we have to present better policies for all Americans.


To the Editor:

While we should not become inured to President Trumps lying, I believe that he doesnt mean to lie. It seems to me that Mr. Trump perceives any simple follow-up question about, say, a previously stated policy position as a confrontation, and he becomes extremely uncomfortable, if not panicked. His sole mission at that point becomes his extrication from that situation as quickly as possible. The truth doesnt play a role.

We have now reached the point where any definitive statement from Mr. Trump is meaningless. To the president, the truth is merely collateral damage.

Read more from the original source:

The Catalog of Donald Trump's Lies - New York Times

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