‘South Park’ Creators Skirt Donald Trump Next Season Because Monkey Running Into Wall Can’t Be Made Funnier – Deadline

Posted: May 3, 2017 at 8:37 pm

Expect South Parks next season to be heavy on fart jokes, to clear the air after a season that became much more Donald Trump-concentrated than the creators had intended, Matt Stone and Trey Parker told Bill Simmons or words to that effect on his The Bill Simmons Podcast.live early this morning.

Where we were going with the thing, its all about how girls [have been] slighted, Parker explained of the wrapped Season 20. Girls have been marginalized in South Park too, just because we do all the voices and its hard for us to have people come in at 3 in the morning and change all the lines.

We were heading down this whole path [with] this big boy-girl war going on, and everyone thinks, OK well hooray, Hillarys gonna be president. And that means that Bill Clinton is the first gentleman. That to us was the most ironic, coolest thing to focus onThats where the whole season was going and thats what really got torn apart. Garrison was supposed to come back and just start teaching again and all this stuff and we were now just locked in to this other [timeline].

Theyd prepared an episode, dubbed The First Gentleman to follow Election Night, based on expectation Hillary Clinton would win. Tuesday night, around 8 PM, they knew they had to blow up that episode.

Surveying their options, Go black was what we talked about, Stone said, adding they also mulled airing The First Gentleman episode as-is, as a sort of document for history.

We called [former president of Viacom Music and Entertainment] Doug Herzog and said, We cant get the show done. Its just really screwed up, and sorry, Stone continued. And he was like, Im at The Daily Show, everyones crying, Ill call you back, or something like that. His world was like, everyone was coming to him saying, We cant do this tonight.

I think [Herzog] would have been okay with us just going black, but it was also nice for at least real die-hard South Park fans to air an episode, Parker chimed in. Everyone was so shell-shocked, and it was like you didnt want to see that the world had changed. You wanted to be like, Okay, this horrible thing has happened, and [Trump] has been elected president, [but] South Parks still on the air. The sun is still rising. Waters still clear.

The episode, named Oh Jeez, aired November 9.

As to where the show goes from here Simmons referenced how Saturday Night Live has adjusted to a Trump presidency Parker said that show is doing better than ever because of it, but its like now every week Im seeing a headline about how SNL ripped on the Trump administration this week. Theyve become that show.

That was part of the bummer for us about [last] season; we didnt want to make it a big Trump thing, and we kept thinking it was gonna go away and we didnt want to get caught up in just being a political show, he continued. Theres plenty of good political comedy out there. We like to dabble in that and do that one week, but then the next week we want to do fart jokes. We love to change tones. And its interesting, cause now people are [saying], OK, well lets see how you deal with Trump this coming season. No one ever said, Oh, the new seasons coming, how you gonna deal with Obama in this season? Were not that show and we never were.

If not that, what will they do next season, Simmons asked.

Responded Parker: Fart jokes.

Simmons also asked, in re Trump, the two if they can remember in the last two decades somebody who almost couldnt be parodied because he was a parody.

Again, Parker responded:

If you have like a little monkey and its running himself into the wall over and over and youre like, Thats funny, but how am I gonna make fun of the monkey running himself into the wall? I can discuss the monkey running himself into the wall, I can copy the monkey running into the wall, but nothings funnier than the monkey just running himself into the wall.

See the original post here:

'South Park' Creators Skirt Donald Trump Next Season Because Monkey Running Into Wall Can't Be Made Funnier - Deadline

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