Letter to the editor: The difference between Richard Nixon and Donald Trump – Summit Daily

Posted: February 24, 2022 at 2:45 am

In 1974, fresh out of college, I found myself transfixed by the televised Watergate hearings.

Richard Nixon was responsible for the illegal entry into the Democratic headquarters. After massive attempts at covering up the scandal, conspirators went to prison. Faced by senators who could no longer support him, Nixon resigned before facing congressional trials.

Now Donald Trump, the first president in history who refused to concede, is still claiming a stolen election despite losing by over 7 million votes. Its the direct cause of a tragic insurrection that resulted in six deaths, 700 people arrested and about 200 already sentenced.

Now we discover that Trump has destroyed untold numbers of presidential papers (in violation of a law with no enforcement). And the latest transgression has this dangerous thug taking 15 boxes of paperwork, some bearing the top secret designation, to his Florida estate.

Now a big difference between the two former presidents is that in 1974, GOP officeholders felt more obligation to the United States than to their party. Now, Republicans are far different.

We have both senators and representatives who stand by Trump and the big lie. We have the minority leader of the House refusing to support the Jan. 6 Commission. And the two GOP members of the commission are being censured by their own party for having the courage to investigate the insurrection.

Why does Trump have these politicians running so scared?

Read the rest here:

Letter to the editor: The difference between Richard Nixon and Donald Trump - Summit Daily

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