Donald Trump’s Tweets of the Week: Blasting North Korea, Shading the Democrats, Winning Bigly – Newsweek

Posted: May 6, 2017 at 4:06 am

It's been another doozy of a week in Washington, D.C. Sometimes, its almost impossible to keep up with it all, from the Senate Judiciary Committee hearingon Russian interference in the 2016 election, to a slew of executive orders being delivered from the new White House administration, to the new health care bill. Even reporters covering the ongoings of the capital are finding it difficult to follow all of the developments.

And yet, President Donald Trump, the man who has managed to turn the "politics as usual"sentiment upside-down, continues to find time to write his supporters, critics and 28 million Twitter followers a quick guide to his days in the Oval Office and beyondwhether theyre asking for it or not.

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Trump's tweets provide more than just a SparkNotes-stylebreakdown of the week, however: Theyre the best glimpse the American public has inside the presidents headspace, as he maintains his tendency to shoot from the hip after 100 days in office. His Twitter account also serves as a catalogof what the leader of the free world was focused on during global crisesand crucial moments in his own presidency.

An anti-Trump demonstrator interacts with Trump supporters in New York City on May 4. Reuters

Lets walk through the presidents thoughts and activities this week via his personal Twitter account:

The president spoke of North Korea only once this week on hisTwitter account, when he blasted the oppressive regime for its failed weekend missile test launch. Trump also managed to praise Chinese President Xi Jinping within the same 140 characters, saying the nation "disrespected the wishes of China [and]its highly respected president."

Trump (once again) targeted the "mainstream (FAKE) media"for its coverage of his first 100 days in office, claiming most news networks were refusing to acknowledge the bevy of executive orders he had signed in histenure as president. The president retweeted a hot take from Foxs Tucker Carlson, posted to the Fox Nation Twitter account, claiming the Democrats are using the Russian cyberattacks on the election as a political tool to make the president less popular.

The president wants you to know he beat former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election. He won. Bigly. Got it?

Trump celebrated a "big win"for the Republican Party after a repeal-and-replacebill to begin the process of overturning former President Barack Obamas landmark legislation, the Affordable Care Act, barely scraped through the House.

The Senate won't vote on the congressional billsenators plan on making their own version instead. But Trumps Twitter was still ablaze with victory tweets. (Oh yeah, and Obamacare still sucks, according to Trump.)

Trump signed acontroversial religious liberty orderthis week with little support from either party, but a whole lot of love from his baseand the man who hasbeen by his side through it all: Vice President Mike Pence. The VP has reportedly been pushing for this order to be signed into law ever since the pair took office. It aims to provide legal protectionfor religious groups claiming exceptions to Obamacare mandatesand undermines enforcement of legislation that prevents nonprofits from explicitpolitical activity.

Notice the #ICYMI hashtag Trump expertly used to remind his followers he's workingor at least signing off on ordersthroughout the weekend.

You'd think a president wouldn't have enough time to compose snarky, shady tweets toward his critics in a day filled with controversy, big meetings, executive order signings, photo opportunities and negotiations on crucial legislation. You'd be wrong.

Trump managed to shade the Democrats nearly every single day of the week in some fashion. Trump seems to have no plans to tone down his public persona, for better or worse, with his lowapproval ratings largely unchanged after his busy week.

(Oh yeah, and Andrew Jackson is his new favorite president, since Trump says Jackson could have stopped the American civil war. See you next week.)

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Donald Trump's Tweets of the Week: Blasting North Korea, Shading the Democrats, Winning Bigly - Newsweek

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