Donald Trump’s New Website Features Military Personnel, Tweets, Merchandise – Newsweek

Posted: May 9, 2017 at 4:04 pm

President Donald Trump's campaign website underwent an overhaul that debuted Tuesday. Now featured prominently: a picture of the president saluting a member of the military.

"Together, we are rebuilding our nation," reads the front page of the website. The background of the page is a photo of Trump saluting a military member as he exits Marine One on the White House's South Lawn.

As the Washington Examiner's David Drucker pointed out on Twitter, right next to that military imagery was a button for contributing to Trump's campaign.

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The military has rules about the military appearing in campaign ads. Trump seemingly ran into trouble with these rules previouslywhen his ad promoting the achievements of his first 100 days in office featuredNational Security AdviserH.R. McMaster in uniform, the Washington Post reported. The ad was changed to show the president shaking the hand of a factory worker instead of featuringMcMaster.

It's not clear if the Trump website violated any rules, but it does certainly play up his brief tenureas commander in chief, during which he's ordered an airstrike in Syria while ramping up the possibility of war with North Korea.

The Trump team said the site also will be aimed at promoting"facts the mainstream media is hiding about policy positions and actions by President Trump," according to Politico. "President Trump believes in speaking directly with the American people," the campaign tweeted.

Perhaps with that in mind, the website also now prominently displays the latest tweets fired off from the president's famous@realDonaldTrump Twitter account. Tuesday it showed the president's thoughts on the ongoing investigations into his campaign's potential collusion with Russianefforts to sway the president election (it's a "total hoax") as well as his thoughts on the testimony from former acting Attorney General Sally Yates ("she said nothing but old news!").

And if you're in the mood to buy something, the websitealso has, of course, a section for Trump merchandise.

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Donald Trump's New Website Features Military Personnel, Tweets, Merchandise - Newsweek

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